Road to the Champion Hurdle 2023

Linear form through average horses is a very deliberate way to view things taking race pace and conditions into account.

I think Honey would be a better marker than Epatante certainly

Now to figure out race tactics for March, trotting carts included

Agree, PJ.

Honeysuckle a much better marker, because she’s still in shot as they pass the post. ;)
State Man is a very smart hurdler and i suspect he'd be a Champion Hurdle fav in certain years but he'll need something to go amiss with Con Hill this year. if the latter isn't on his game however.......

also hope they give Honeysuckle another spin in the big one in 5 weeks, i don't think she ever showed her best round Leopardstown and seemed to improve enough for Cheltenham but that may because they build toward it, this year they may have wound her up enough where today was as good as she is now, nonetheless i'd give her a go

i'd save Vauban for the Aintree Hurdle, not the slickest jumper at speed and stayed on well at the end
Kevin Blake implied, after the race, that sloppy jumps are often a feature of his hurdling.
What I saw endorsed that view, and it's a big no-no for Cheltenham,imo.

hurdled absolutely fine today. no idea what blake is on about.
KB' usually knows what he's talking about,and State Man losing ground in the air at the 1st didn't impress,either.
He can jump perfectly and still not lay a finger on Constitution Hill. I’ve seen some truly outstanding horses in my time and consider myself lucky to have seen Frankel on the flat as a spectacular “once in a lifetime” horse. From what I’ve seen so far Constitution Hill has the makings of the same in NH and I’ll be extremely surprised if he is not lauded in the same breath eventually (he is by some already, but there’s much water to pass under the bridge). State Man certainly looked impressive, but I don’t think impressive will cut it. Bring it on.
Absolutely barjon.
At least State Man has shown he can do it from the front or held up.
He looks uncomplicated and it takes very good horses to make exceptional ones look better than very good.
Those of us old enough to remember Golden Cygnet , coming at the height of the Golden Era of hurdlers know what I mean.
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Hard to see how he beats Constitution Hill though?
He's not nearly as fluent a hurdler, he's never performed at the speed or level his rival has, not shown his tactical ability, and there's nothing in his pedigree to suggest he'll win a stamina test.
All-in-all, I just don't see any danger.
Hard to see how he beats Constitution Hill though?
He's not nearly as fluent a hurdler, he's never performed at the speed or level his rival has, not shown his tactical ability, and there's nothing in his pedigree to suggest he'll win a stamina test.
All-in-all, I just don't see any danger.

Same. Half hoping State Man in the race might get me some 8/13 Con Hill?

Dreaming maybe, hoping Irish money piles onto State Man
Is there merit in the idea of backing State Man today and CH on the day when the money pours in for SM?

I can't envisage too many scenarios where the money "pours in" for State Man.

Ireland would probably need to win the Supreme and Arkle, and even then, I can't see any sort of plunge that would cause Constitution Hill to drift to 8/13 or anything like it. Even if the bookies are in front after the first three races, I can't see them making such of a stand against Constitution Hill. I'd expect them to be cautious, and look to get other shorties beat later in the week (e.g. Edwardstone, Energumene, Teahupoo, Allaho, Galopin etc).
I can't envisage too many scenarios where the money "pours in" for State Man.

What about when An Capall has a piece published the day before the event, entitled "State Man will win the Champion Hurdle" where he puts out a cogent argument for just such an eventuality and the Irish public, knowing what a sage oracle he is, latches on to the idea with great vigour and opening of wallets?
That’s obviously one of the few scenarios, simmo.

That and a stone-bruise for the jolly the day before.
Back in the day I used to have a boss, Boon Choi. I remember three things about him. (1) He ran the global organsiation through fear and terror. (2) For some reason I was one of the few people in the organisation who could argue/dispute with him openly on a business matter and not bollocks up my career. (3) If he lost patience with an argument you were making he would say "An Capall, if you listen to me long enough I am certain that you will agree with me. How long do you want to listen to me?"

State Man will win the Champion Hurdle.
Best bet for the Champion Hurdle is that Constitution Hill will be awarded the highest rating ever given to a hurdler by Timeform.
An Capall and Granger have both backed Constitution Hill (NAP).


We were once both in a room with very esteemed company of the horse and told of his unearthly talents long before his name was known on these forums and Tanlic called his P2P form as garbage so you could argue we are in the know

All of that being said

An Capall has told you all
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PJ, you of all people should know that I am always correct in all matters pertaining to the Champion Hurdle. :lol:
Willie Mullins
"Everything he’s been showing me all along has been very good and we’re seeing that there’s still improvement to come in him. We think he’s good enough, but Constitution Hill could be a bit of a freak and maybe State Man is going to be unlucky to come up against a horse like that, but it’s all there to play for at the moment. We’re living the dream, anyway, for the moment."
Along with a few other dreamers.:lol:
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We were once both in a room with very esteemed company of the horse and told of his unearthly talents long before his name was known on these forums and Tanlic called his P2P form as garbage so you could argue we are in the know

All of that being said

An Capall has told you all

Of course his form was garbage by Champion Hurdle standards when he won the County.

He was rated 141 First Street was rated 142 and both ran very close to that figure.

That put him up to 151 as is the h'cappers want and the last horse who ran in a Champion Hurdle off near that mark was Adagio 152 and he was beaten out of sight.

Anyone can throw shite at the wall and sometimes they are right but almost always they are way off the mark.

State Man's form can still be question if even remotely good enough having beaten Pied Piper by only 6 lengths a horse that wouldn't get within 20 lengths of Constitution Hill.

However five credit where credit is due he now has proved he deserves his place in the line up.
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