So You Think - substance or hype ?

Very good read

Whether aussie trainers are accessible 24 hours a day or not, you have to take it with a pinch of salt given that tiresome nation's tendency to big up absolutely everything about their big empty desert with a few Croydon's dotted around the coast

And Bart Simpson is someone from whom a period of silence would be very welcome (should be permanant soon given hes a coffin dodger)

Would love it if AOB said that then horse came to Ireland hopelessly unfit and had clearly been trained by a muppet

Now that's what I call a very good read - Aussie bashing at it's best. :lol:
Love it that the journo admits that while Cummings would talk forever, he 'might not say very much'. Who needs hours of evasive waffle? Just evade waffling by not talking at all - you'd think O'Brien was in line for transportation for life by not endlessly twittering or tweeting about his horses.

I'd have loved it if his words were what Clivex proposed, too.
Leave Bart alone for chrissakes. The guy is 150 years old and has earned the right to say whatever he wants.

As for SYT the fastest way to the poorhouse is betting on odds on faves in grp1 races. Planteur is one of the 3-4 best horses in Europe. The form of the Ganay is of the highest order. If SYT beats him like he did those inferior animals in his last two races than he is surely a monster and wont be beaten again this year, until then I'm holding steady on any star studded accolades. Hawk Wing was considered a bombproof certainty at this meet many moons ago and was treated like a selling plater that day.
Oh, and welcome to the forum, brendanr. You'll find that on here we also feel we have the right to say whatever we want, which is the purpose of most forums. Otherwise, they're called blogs.
Given that hes 175 years old Brendan, wonder if he would understand the fact that when someone emigrates to Australia, the average IQ of both countries goes up?

In fact no aussie has worked that one out yet, so probably not
Don't listen to this lot brendanr, I’m a big fan of Australians, they’re very amusing. Often described as the most balanced race on earth, exemplified by Bart Cummings... they have a chip on both shoulders. ;)

I have old pals and some rellies out there, so no quibbles from me about them. None of them get on with each other, the mother and daughter are estranged, but, apart from an understandable desire to never hear another joke about marks round their ankles, they seem an okay bunch in the main. Their history with the Aborigines, their sport-shooting of roos and brumbies, and their love of murdering backpackers aside, of course...
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Aidan O'Brien is in a no win situation. If the horse doesn't become a champion in the northern hemisphere some Australians will say it's because he doesn't know how to train. And if the horse does reach the top it's no more than was supposed to happen anyway.
The Aussies are bullish. Another "hype" article with a few digs thrown in at Aidan O'Brien's recent reticence with the press.

Today's Irish Times.

[FONT=&quot]“Beyond a mile there isn’t a horse on the planet capable of beating So You Think and in the next six months he will prove it,” a senior official Australian handicapper said recently.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Very provincial aren’t they... If O’Brien can improve him (which I think is possible, although Cummings doesn’t) this may be true.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]But they can’t have it both ways... if he continues to run in the high 120s he’s gonna come unstuck when he faces those who will run to 130+, unless he was winning well within himself before, or unless he improves.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Of course there are horses on the planet capable of beating him – we have a small handful in Europe and that’s before we have a look at the US.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]He’s Group 1 standard that’s for sure but he’s got something to prove before we start talking about him as a destroyer of Derby/Arc winners, etc.[/FONT]
Aidan O'Brien is in a no win situation. If the horse doesn't become a champion in the northern hemisphere some Australians will say it's because he doesn't know how to train. And if the horse does reach the top it's no more than was supposed to happen anyway.

Exactly so... still it's not a bad problem to have is it. None of us (Ireland included) should worry too much about what Cummings thinks (or says he thinks).
Cummings is known in Aus as the Cups King, but sometimes he sounds more like the In His Cups King.

I have old pals and some rellies out there, so no quibbles from me about them. None of them get on with each other, the mother and daughter are estranged, but, apart from an understandable desire to never hear another joke about marks round their ankles, they seem an okay bunch in the main...

[FONT=&quot]Indeed, it’s not just the Poms they can’t abide, they don’t seem to like each other very much either.;)[/FONT]
Aidan O'Brien is in a no win situation. If the horse doesn't become a champion in the northern hemisphere some Australians will say it's because he doesn't know how to train. And if the horse does reach the top it's no more than was supposed to happen anyway.

i was going to post exactly the same thing Grey..its a total no lose for the Aussies

i actually hope he is the real deal..we need good horses ..but if he doesn't measure up you can be certain that your post will contain the exact phrasing to be used as an excuse

it makes me laugh a bit how they are annoyed that AOB isn't an obnoxious loud mouthed twat
Very good read

Whether aussie trainers are accessible 24 hours a day or not, you have to take it with a pinch of salt given that tiresome nation's tendency to big up absolutely everything about their big empty desert with a few Croydon's dotted around the coast

And Bart Simpson is someone from whom a period of silence would be very welcome (should be permanant soon given hes a coffin dodger)

Would love it if AOB said that then horse came to Ireland hopelessly unfit and had clearly been trained by a muppet

Timeform have the PoW as their free race of the day.

So You Think's master rating is 133. His last 8 runs are rated with rare consistency:

128+, 131, 131+, 132+, 128, 128+, 130+

They include six Group 1s, five of which he won, the other being his Melbourne Cup 3rd where he patently failed to stay yet still came out best at the weights.

In contrast, Twice Over has managed his best rating of 128 just twice and 127 once. Interestingly, two of those were in defeat - last year's Juddmonte, and the BC Classic. Hard to think that he has anything more to show at this stage in his career.

Rewilding is clearly best fresh but hasn't run over this trip since he was contesting Derby trials (and getting beaten by Planteur). His win at Meydan saw him hit a career high rating of 128, confirming his previous best 126+ from when he ran away with the Voltigeur. 10f really doesn't strike me as likely to be his optimum, though, and I would have thought keeping him fresh for the King George would have been a better option regardless of the opposition in this. But I guess Sheikh Mohammed just loves giving himself every chance of a Royal Ascot winner.

Planteur's master rating is 126, but his best individual rating remains at 124+ from when he was beaten in the Prix Niel. His two wins this season, which have seen him run to good effect at 10f, have been rated 122+ and 121+. More to give, surely, but he's got to improve to worry a tip-top Twice Over, let alone the fav.

I expect So You Think to win well, and as a huge fan of his sire, not to mention an admirer of the physical specimen that he is, I hope he does. Given a fast pace which allows him to sustain a hard gallop, I think we could see something special.

That said, I won't be playing at such a short price - I can do without the stress - but I think Twice Over at bigger than 3/1 to chase him home might be a bet.
Good post Gareth. I was thinking of setting the distance betting at something like:

7/4 Up to & inc 2.75
7/4 Over 2.75
7/4 Not to win

Looking at your post overs would be the value.

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I've had a quick look at what's available.

Blue Square - So You Think to win by 3 lengths or more 7/4
Skybet - So You Think to win by over 3 lengths 11/4

The other firms will price tomorrow no doubt. If I thought I could get 10/3 or bigger about over 3 lengths, I'd have a go.