
Brilliant stuff - well done! As Gamla says, another very shrewd spot at the sales there Kirsty!! I would imagine there's not a dry eye in the house, all credit to Craig for putting the partnership together.
Great stuff, well done all. It's always such a thrill when you know how much it will mean to small owners like this syndicate's owners. And hurray for Taj getting the forecast the right way round!
Greatly looking forward to the piccies... now must try to catch the replay, was helping organise dinner for 11 tonight at the off :angry:
Having spoken to Arkers & Kirsty I can confirm that 1) Arkers has finally calmed down from his near hysterical state :lol: and 2) the drinking continues.....

Interesting to hear that identical cries of "give him one round the hole!!!!" were heard at Wolves as well as in Gib during the last few furlongs of Teds' race......:lol: (so near, yet so far with the ew doubs....)
I'll let Arkwright fill you in with the details. We dropped him off at Wolverhampton station about 7pm so I guess he'll be online by midnight!!

Just to say, re the pile up in Teddy's race, an announcement was made that the first horse collapsed with a burst blood vessel and brought down the other one. In view of the recent bad publicity on other fatalities at this track, I thought it was right to mention that sad sequence of events.
Hurrah for them both - if the lad hadnt sloped off for a cuppa near the end it could so easily have been the e/w double....

It is sad about the two other horses, but at least there is noone to blame for ther deaths. Sad, and condolances to the connections, but with all the bad stuff about the racecourse ( and how the heck the tabloids havent picked up on it is beyond me!) but it was one of those horrible accidents that was unavoidable.

If they were there ( I got told there was a protest ) I hope someone was suitably rude to Animal Aid....
Warmest congrats - I bet you have thrown the kitchen sinks at tonights' celebrations :lol:
Apologies for what will be a bit of a soppy post.
A very emotional evening for everyone involved as for obvious reasons we have been desperate to win a little race with her.
Safe to say I'm chuffed to bits for everyone involved,especially those who've continued to support the syndicate during what has been a very trying period of time.
We really weren't sure whether we could/should keep going as the syndicate was Craig's brainchild and he put so much work into it.
Without him it just wouldn't be the same.
But I'm glad we did and I know he'll be looking down on us with a great big smile on his face.
The win is dedicated to him.

I'm also dead chuffed for Kirsty and Brian who are finally starting to get the results they deserve.
Kirsty has been so supportive of me as a person for which I am very grateful.
Also satisfying from a personal point of view is that it was yours truly who recommended Kirsty to Craig in the first place (so yes it's all my fault).
Anyways all being well Taj could go back to Wolves on Thursday.
We've still got to see her have a proper go on turf yet as well,so hopefully we'll have a lot more fun with her.

As for Teddy,well mixed feelings.
As has already been mentioned there were a few ew doubles but at least he did appear to get the trip and I'm sure there's races in him as he's lightly raced for his age.

Taj's race for anyone who may like to see it:-
I think you are entitled to be soppy Arkers - well done all and a cracking effort from KB too !!!