The Domination of Mullins & Co

noticed earlier ruby said in his blog that he thought douvan and vautour were better at this stage of their career. might just be trying to dampen the hype machine a bit.

Hard to believe he could be better than those 2 you mention. But the fact it was even mentioned makes you wonder.
Yea probably because they both swim in shallow waters in form terms, especially Min, so its hard to compare them. But I thought it was funny when he said that Vautour is not fast, he destroyed Chapman's world and his Champion chase bets :lol:

Chappers has had a shocking week or so in terms of views/opinions. However on this one I would be in his camp. Would have more chance in Champion Chase than Gold Cup imo.
Clearly his camp thinks his strong suit is the cruising speed, if he'd been considered a speed horse he would've already contested the CH or Arkle by now. Ruby said many times that Vautour doesn't have the change of gears against proper 2 milers, so its hard to see how Mullins will now change his whole approach and send him for CC. I think he'll stay 3m, whether he'll stay Chelt 3m2f remains to be seen, but if we'll learn he doesn't stay at Kempton then Ryanair should be Mullins choice. Chapman is shaking after talking with Patrick, his only chance is to apply that reverse psychology on Mullins :lol:
He would have carried UDS in the Arkle if allowed the chance.

I'm still not fu**ing bitter about that :lol:
who knows, but would you have your house on Vautour for CC ?? The way Chapman's been pushing for this makes me think he has :lol:
I would have your house on in the Champion Chase if he lined up :cool:. Potentially two to beat in the Champion compared to how many slugfests in the Gold Cup.
I noticed you said you would have his house on LOL

Vautour/UDS? quite frankly I don't give a ****. UDS while talented wouldn't blow wind up Sprinter Sacre's backside and Vautour needs 2m4f or further to be seen at his best IMO

How on earth they can make UDS so short when he's up against the best 2 mile chaser in the history of the game is mind boggling.

He beat Godsown in the Arkle and back in 3rd only 8 lengths behind him was Josses Hill who wouldn't get within 30 lengths of Sprinter Sacre

Just which piece of form entitles him to be fv for the QMCC beats me.....Not seen since April when he put only 3 lengths between himself and a decent opponent who is far from a world beater

I got some crazy prices about Sprinter Sacre for the QMCC and I reckon UDS fans have glasses which are much more rose tinted than mines.
This is going off topic now Tanlic, but you're assuming SS is back to his best and UDS won't find any improvement from his novice season. The evidence suggests SS isn't the horse he was (though clearly still bloody good). Normal improvement puts UDS ahead of him IMO.
I noticed you said you would have his house on LOL

Vautour/UDS? quite frankly I don't give a ****. UDS while talented wouldn't blow wind up Sprinter Sacre's backside and Vautour needs 2m4f or further to be seen at his best IMO

No risk :cool:

No guarantees with Sprinter though.

Clearly Vautour is class over further. No slouch though either imo.
This is going off topic now Tanlic, but you're assuming SS is back to his best and UDS won't find any improvement from his novice season. The evidence suggests SS isn't the horse he was (though clearly still bloody good). Normal improvement puts UDS ahead of him IMO.

I have no idea if he is as good as ever but I am not prepared to ignore what I saw and turn to the form book and say well he only ran to X

The way he cruised to the front like he has done in the past tells me it wouldn't have mattered if Arkle himself was next to him he'd have to hit top gear to go with him.

I like Vautour a lot I am not that taken by UDS and if I have to look at the form book what I see is a horse who was rated 192+ probably that + would have him bordering 200

The last time I look UDS was rated about 170. On ratings not a lot between them but in raw ability and in reality no comparison if SS is within 10lbs of his best and he is for sure IMVH biased one sided opinion:cool:
This Christmas I will be against him in almost all the races I back in.

Conti and Don Cossack in the KG.

The RP Novices is a crazy market. I've done Ttebob at 7s and will also likely back Sizing John. Douvan is mental short.

How Rashan isn't Fav in the Juvenile is beyond me. 9/4 is good value.
Douvan is different class............easy pickings a treble Douvan, Sprinter Sacre and Southfield Vic will a pay about 11/4 and your heart won't even miss a beat
Anyone got any info on Ciandarragh? I put this one as my dark horse in the TTF but there are no entries and last ran August 2015 but is 7 yrs old.
Since Wylie started sending horses to Mullins he's had 18 individual runners.

9 have won at least one Grade 1.

5 have won at either Grade 2 or Grade 3.

The other 4 have all won, including a big handicap at the Punchestown festival with Drive Time.
Must be a disheartening for Nicholls not to get the odd good one aswel though
Isnt it the other way round though, that Willie's buyers have the horses and offer to owners. Maybe memory biasing things here but will check to see if Nicholls-trained Wylie horses come from the flat.
Spot on HawkWing. Willie has bought all his horses recently and now has his trust.

I know GW and he's now fiercely loyal to Willie just as he was to HJ. The difference being Willie will bring him consistent success at the top level whereas HJ got lucky with his loyal patronage and didn't deserve it. Something I told him many moons ago.

He's one of the most humble and nice guys you'll ever meet. Willie is too and as long as the Ricci thing doesn't get in the way (which I don't think it will), I don't see anything changing.

I'm pretty sure Nicholls didn't buy anything for him this season, although he's still got half a dozen at Ditcheat.
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