The Gordy Elliott Horror Picture Show

Cheveley Park Stud say

We are truly horrified and dismayed by the photograph doing the rounds on social media however, we will await the official outcome of the investigation by the IHRB, which we trust will be swift, before making any further comment/decisions.
Cheveley Park Stud say

We are truly horrified and dismayed by the photograph doing the rounds on social media however, we will await the official outcome of the investigation by the IHRB, which we trust will be swift, before making any further comment/decisions.

Willie's been in touch, says he has one or two boxes available..

Henry's rubbing his hands together
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Think it’s fair enough for Owners to continue to support Elliott if they choose to do so, and are prepared to write it off as an idiotic abberation that won’t ever be repeated.

But if this is #3 in a series of items 'out there', can it really be labelled a one-off?
Who trains the horse is irrelevant. You might as well say that a horse cant run as a jockey is banned. Ideally youd have the best man putting the final touches on the prep but that's not going to happen.

But if this is #3 in a series of items 'out there', can it really be labelled a one-off?

Numbers 1 and 2 may not be horse-related.
Willie's been in touch, says he has one or two boxes available..

Henry's rubbing his hands together

Lets just hope Henry gets Envoi and not Willie then

I wanna see Envoi v Monkfish in next years GC not Envoi in the fuckin Ryanair
Being trashed out now on 'mainstream' Irish radio, Liveline - by cranks - but with a large audience.

Lydia Hislop now on
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Cheveley Park Stud say

We are truly horrified and dismayed by the photograph doing the rounds on social media however, we will await the official outcome of the investigation by the IHRB, which we trust will be swift, before making any further comment/decisions.

That's as good as saying that they are out of there. The Moran's will be next to go. If he survives it is going to be a very costly one and hard to see him ever recovering to reach his current status. The Gigginstown support is I am sure welcome but its a short term boost considering their phased withdrawal from the game.
Being trashed out now on 'mainstream' Irish radio, Liveline - by cranks - but with a large audience.

Lydia Hislop now on

And Joe Duffy just compared GE to rioters who attacked Gardai (police) on Saturday!

This is getting ridiculous. In my opinion it's not even a welfare issue. There is no suggestion that he actually harmed a horse in his care.
And Joe Duffy just compared GE to rioters who attacked Gardai (police) on Saturday!

This is getting ridiculous. In my opinion it's not even a welfare issue. There is no suggestion that he actually harmed a horse in his care.

Kinda irrelevant though. The reaction, genuine for some, and over-the-top from others, is what was going to doing the damage.
Horse in question looks to have been called ‘Morgan’. Nothing confirmed though. Owned by Gigginstown.

BHA to consider their own ramifications. Could it be they judt stop his horses coming over? This whole thing stinks. Gordon certainly has some enemies in the game.
Elliott didn’t harm the horse himself, we know that, but it looks like he couldn’t give a fukc that the horse has died; and he does look as though he has indeed killed the horse, in his game hunter pose. Why would anyone who loves animals and is concerned for their welfare pose for a sick photo like that? Two reasons: you’re incredibly dense; or you don’t actually give a fukc about the horses in your care.
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Nice of Tracy Piggott to ring in and try to bury Gordon. Lydia did not know how lucky she was to get out of this programme with her wits intact.
To non Irish - Joe Duffy is for thicks, hosted by a thick and no educated opinion will be listened to

It is one of the last legacies of old catholic Ireland still with us
Elliott didn’t harm the horse himself, we know that , but it looks like he couldn’t give a fukc that the horse has died; and he does like as though he has indeed killed the horse in his game hunter pose. Why would anyone who loves animals and is concerned for their welfare pose for a sick photo like that. Two reasons: you’re incredibly dense; or you don’t actually give a fukc about the horses in your care.


Some of the responses are fukcing lame.
No doubt that it's extremely offensive, careless and very stupid. However, I think it would be a stretch use it as evidence that he does not care for the welfare of his horses. I hate to be defending the man in these circumstances because it was a disgusting thing to do. The picture evokes strong emotions, but ultimately I just think it looks worse than it actually is.
David Menuisier sitting on the fence


This individual who got caught posing on top of a dead horse isn’t a disgrace to Racing, he is merely a disgrace. Disgrace to himself, his entourage and more generally the Human race. It is irrelevant he is a racehorse trainer, I find him to be more rightly an insult to Humanity.
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David Menuisier sitting on the fence


This individual who got caught posing on top of a dead horse isn’t a disgrace to Racing, he is merely a disgrace. Disgrace to himself, his entourage and more generally the Human race. It is irrelevant he is a racehorse trainer, I find him to be more rightly an insult to Humanity.

Born and bred in France:whistle:
Nice of Tracy Piggott to ring in and try to bury Gordon. Lydia did not know how lucky she was to get out of this programme with her wits intact.

In fairness, as a woman who was previously engaged to a man convicted of animal cruelty, you have to admire the neck on her :D
Elliot always came across to me as a jack the lad and clearly in his attempt to be the big fella here will have major repercussions for himself and racing. It's the damage to horse racing that really pisses me off and for that not only do I find Elliot guilty but the person who put this on social media is all so responsible. Why did they not go to the HRI or BHA ? This is a vendetta being fought at the expense of an industry that has tens of thousands of people that deeply care about the welfare of their animals. What this person has done is tar them with the same brush as Mr Elliot in the eyes of Joe public.
The man should be finished.
The photo is unacceptable.

But in this era we live, scandals last short.

The other questions are
Why someone like Elliot can be so stupid to beheave this way?
Who took the photo?
Who posted in internet?
And why now?
Someone queried on Facebook if it might be linked to betting? Can anyone tell me what Elliotts background is? How he came to be in racing. I ask this because he’s always struck me as the sort of person that has an instinctive knowledge of horses in the way that a friend of mine had.
Someone queried on Facebook if it might be linked to betting? Can anyone tell me what Elliotts background is? How he came to be in racing. I ask this because he’s always struck me as the sort of person that has an instinctive knowledge of horses in the way that a friend of mine had.

All sorts of speculations and rumours regarding why. A friend told me today its cause he’s ‘dipping’ someone he shouldn’t be. Thats from someone who doesn’t even watch racing outside of the National.

Gone far and wide this. Even just in my Facebook, people who know zilch about racing or Elliot have an opinion on it. Thereby comes misinformation, and people guessing. Id wait for the facts to come out. Not sure we’ll wver know why though.