The Will Win Thread 2017

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It was actually 17 days notice for those who were paying attention.

Well said. Anyone who looked at the card could have worked it out. I work hard to know these things and lads expect me to spoon feed them for nothing in return.
6-0 Dundalk Tuamhain
1st post thrown me to the lions if beat

God how sad that someone would replicate something I sent in a PM. Punters masturbate lads go to great lengths. Not even those numpties and their mug cash can stop this one. If I stop posting on here again it will because out and out cunts like this.
Cross wires pm who
Genuine post its a will win thread

There's no crossed wires. The admin can see PM. It's so obvious this is a pathetic wind up. The horse has been smashed so I don't care who knows now so **** off back to the forum you crawled out of off. Tell Col he's an absolute **** too.
Got my price early doors
Haven't a clue what your on about
Your thread will leave it at that
Until the next one which will be soon
Got my price early doors
Haven't a clue what your on about
Your thread will leave it at that
Until the next one which will be soon

Eventually you mongos will realise my word has more power than a first time poster clearly angling.
The real issue is why I didn't get the PM.

Funny thing is I was going to text you but had no credit. I only PM'd a few lads that got me a bet on today not me marking up lads on here. I would have posted this on the thread once I was on.
I've just had a thought but why don't we setup a Whatsapp group for TH members who know each other and want to exchange information?
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