The Will Win Thread 2017

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Brilliant stuff Slim. Again, you're timing impeccable​!!! Heading off on the honeymoon in the morning and managed to convince the new wife to include 3 nights in Vegas on the way home. Lovely little boost to my Vegas pot. Cheers [emoji106]
Maybe we should setup a "Will Win" Whatsapp group. I could post in the forum and in the group. Regulars only, no trolls.
Sounds good, i hate to think some of the trolls on here are profiting from your generosity.

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Maybe we should setup a "Will Win" Whatsapp group. I could post in the forum and in the group. Regulars only, no trolls.

But if you're posting in the forum anyway, what's the point of the whasapp group.
I'm only trying to make a valid point, and one that another member made just a few days ago.
Slim look up the user name
Won over 60k 1994 still living on the back of it
Come back when you get close
I'm not sure who you think I am slim, but you don't know me.
I just find you very childish.
More childish than joining a forum in a not so transparent attempt to aggravate a long time poster on here.
Well maybe you would have more members if he wasn't such a tit.
He targets new members for no reason at all
I came to this forum after someone told me that gigilo was posting here, so I'll be hanging about for a while.
If that annoys you, all the better.
Well, this escalated quickly. Well done again Slim yesterday, ignore the trolls. If there is a whatsapp group being set up, someone send the details my way...please :)
Likewise here with Whats App. I should have a few decent ones once the NH season cranks into gear again.

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