This and That...

Its normal if you have been continuously charging the battery, ie using the laptop and charging at the same time. Best to leave the battery to go down to 5%-10% then recharge when not using it but not overnight.

There are plenty of sites that sell cheap replacements so you can either buy two to replace or one larger (heavier) replacement that will last longer on a full charge.
It's all in the Terms and conditions Euro.
And you don't have to die either, on most accounts the T@C's which need to be ticked as read before you can open will state if your account is inactive and you haven't used or logged into or have a future bet waiting in the wings then after a period of a year they will start taking any monies in said account.
So in other words you die they party.:(
Make a will and leave it all to me Nat! Ok; computer question. If and when I change my pc for a laptop [still out of stock but met a really cool guy at Curries who was dead helpful] can I just leave the laptop plugged in or will that charge the battery. I tend to just leave the pooter turned on all day. Will I not be able to do that with a laptop as it will ruin the battery? I did buy a new phone but that all seems to be connected to the pooter which stopped working so I've now got a ruddy great extension lead trailing across the landing. But I have bought a spin dryer!
You are a funny one Moe :lol:

Sounds like there's never a dull moment in your gaff :)
You mean when I'm having a complete hissy fit and throwing electrical items around the house shouting 'nothing works in this bloomin' house [sob]'. Even the S.O. made a hasty retreat the other night and went back to his own pad pretty smartish.Have now located a sockeT behind the desk that I never knew existed and the phone is working [not that anyone ever phones me [another sob]]. And I found a spare mouse in a box of delights and replaced the broken one; which means I can now google things much quicker until they crash on me, and I can move on to another one, ad infinitum. Happy days!
Yes, that's pretty much as I imagined... :lol:

Finding a socket that you never new existed is a weird one though. You may have to think about sacking your cleaner.
New word that I've picked up on my travels... Choon, feel like I'm proper down wiv da kids 1418162364132s.jpg

Bah humbug. The S.O. and I are spending Christmas staring at each other as we haven't been invited to have a meal with anyone. Although my daughter said they would let us go to their house and watch television with them later in the day if we wanted to. We declined the invitation. This is the most miserable Christmas I've ever had. I've spent the last three months doing school runs for her as well.....
Do something completely mad, Moe - you may enjoy it! All that going round to relatives is way over rated and just something that we think we should be doing... because it's Christmas. I used to travel up to smoggy land because it was expected of me, but now most of those are dead, I just do as I please :) Roll on the King George.
This year on the 25th. I'm going walking on a part of Dartmoor that's not very well known to me. May not make it back.. 'citing!

"The hunter homeward speeds in haste,
Ere fogs o'ertake him on the waste;
And if to Foxtor mires he roam,
He'll bid a long adieu to home;
A dreary shroud is o'er his head,
A yawning swamp around him spread;
Spell-bound and lost he ventures on
One fatal step - and all is done;
Hopeless he struggles, vain his throes,
Deeper and deeper down he goes !
The raven claps her ebon wing,
His dirge the howling winds may sing,
And mists will spread the last sad pall
O'er that dark grave unknown to all".

Though would like to add that if it looks like there may be a shower on Thursday, will probably just stay in and do a jigsaw.
Dirge is a good description.

I did the Lyke Wake Walk 70/71 time. Slept well after that.
My ex did as well. I was 'back up'. My pal forgot her husbands sandwiches at one of the meet up points, and yet her marriage lasted. Never forget driving round the moors saying 'we're doomed, doomed' whilst seeing sheeps skulls everywhere. It were a good weekend, that!
...oh and best to brave the bogs after the King George. You'd never forgive yerself if you missed it...
I was on Dynaste EW, so small profit was secured. Not really a thrilling race to watch, or that might just be me getting a bit jaded. Think I need something new to excite me...
I have been to that meeting and it's mobbed out, same as Wincanton's Boxing Day meeting which was no fun at all when I attended some years ago. The same goes for Cheltenham Gold Cup, glad I was there to see Dawn Run win, but never again.

Hope to catch you and Jon again at one of the quieter meetings, would be great to meet mucker as well. Cheers mate and good luck.