This and That...

Even though I don't like the place much these days we're hoping to go to Uttoxeter tomorrow if it isn't cancelled. Having seen hardly anything of my family over Christmas I need to go to somewhere where I belong and, for a long time now that place is the races. I always feel I belong there.
Thinking about it, I went to two Wincanton Boxing day meets just to see if it the second one was as hideous as the first one... it was. there should be a cut off point when the place is deemed to be full to bursting but they just let them keep coming in. No fun queuing 30 minutes or more for a coffee only to spill most of it trying to get past the people 10 deep behind you when you have purchased said beverage :-(
Happy Birthday Moe x I think it's great that you share it with all Thoroughbreds + Simon Cowell's girlfriend
Thanks Wolf. I've always thought it was fitting that I share my birthday with my equine heroes.
Moe has posted on here for a few years now and posts some good stuff as well, yet nobody can even wish her a happy birthday :(

At least I know that you miserable ***ts have started 2015 in the same manner as you behaved in 2014 :p

fair play to you guys for being consistent :lol:
Not you Nathan, we all know you started a thread on TRF

But I see from above post that your sense of humour is on a par with Steve Cautions... Poor :lol:
Yes, can't wait. it's far better than the regular version and good to try to pick out a big priced HM early on for a little punt.
Yes, Katie is in the house. Love the way the crowd boo her, and so does she - it's like throwing £20 notes at her ;)
I do hope that the boss will have a think about having a political forum on here. Surely chit chat should be all about chilling out and having a laugh? Not about long-winded posts about the horrors of this world that we all get enough of on the news and in the papers? Anyone determined to spend their spare time mithering about it should indeed be banished to a political forum with other like minded saddos- No offense to said saddos, but that's the best place for them :D. Chit Chat could then prosper and not be the sad place that it is today.

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I do hope that the boss will have a think about having a political forum on here. Surely chit chat should be all about chilling out and having a laugh? Not about long-winded posts about the horrors of this world that we all get enough of on the news and in the papers? Anyone determined to spend their spare time mithering about it should indeed be banished to a political forum with other like minded saddos- No offense to said saddos, but that's the best place for them :D. Chit Chat could then prosper and not be the sad place that it is today.


Perhaps we could have 2 chit-chats. One for those who think news is a Take A Break-style headline - "Has he STABBED the baby??????" and one for those of us capable of taking part in both light-hearted chat and serious discussion.
charlie hebdo cover.jpg

They should make a lot of profit* out of this, and hopefully the families of those that died will be well looked after.

*Did you see what I did there?

Good to see Jimmy on CBB bit on the side tonight. Not being a fan of 'The beautiful game' I didn't know anything about him till he went in the jungle. We could do with him and his banter on this section of the forum... Chit Chat ;)
Nathan Hughes .. 'I'll be stood by the winners enclosure on March the 10th at Cheltenham boss with camera in hand. :)'

Sycophantic Much :p