This and That...

I knew the boss would be on this thread at some point ;-)

I've got AVG and no problems but the scan is quite slow. might give Avast a blast. And have had CC for many years with regular updates like I'd imagine most have. Had a paid for version of Malwarebytes for a few years with no problems till a couple of months ago when it wouldn't update, so ditched that.

Well done on ignoring Christmas Moe :) Did that years ago and don't regret it.
Just remembered the boss man was on here re the photos a few weeks ago :mad: My memory is getting to be quite.. er.. what's that word?
Computer bloke never got back to me. Although, in his advert he said he prefers people to phone rather than email; which isn't really a good advert for a computer geek...
Computer bloke never got back to me. Although, in his advert he said he prefers people to phone rather than email; which isn't really a good advert for a computer geek...

Try malwarebytes.
Whats actually wrong and I'll see if I can help, email me if you prefer
^^^ You wouldn't get that sort of help from Cormack, but he never started TRF and therein lies the difference, IMO. I see said Cormack is having a complete overhaul of his forum... expect it to be offline till early 2015 :lol:
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It's only iplayer that's a problem and I'm making sure I don't miss anything important [although we're going to see War of the Worlds when it's the final of the Great British Design Challenge [sob]; however they are repeated it so I'll get to see it at a later date]. I'm scared to do anything that will take away what I've got now! Given that a few years ago I used to have to phone the main office so they could talk me through how to turn off my pooter at work I've made great progress. And the urge to get the hammer has eased off [slightly].Starngely enough I can now watch ATR replays which I couldn't watch before so it's not all bad.
...forgot to say thanks guys! Going to watch The Hobbit now as haven't got to get up early tomorrow [hurrah!].
Both iPlayer and YouTube seem at their slickest on the Chrome browser, though I find Pale Moon/Firefox more text-friendly
Would you believe it, even The Hobbit stopped playing part way through the film...but it did start working when a skipped forward a bit. I really enjoyed it, mainly because I'd read it so long ago that I didn't actually know what was going to happen next. Me and technology just don't go together I'm afraid. I'll give the browser thing a go after the Hennessy. Daren't risk being pooterless on such an important day!
Is the 'what's going on' correct on here?

If so, there are 22 members and 100 guests looking in at the moment. Yet TRF at the moment show 4 members and 6 guests. I'd like to think this is correct, but maybe not?
... and Nathan, saw your post about the VHS tapes on TRF - why not just post it on here?
Is the 'what's going on' correct on here?

If so, there are 22 members and 100 guests looking in at the moment. Yet TRF at the moment show 4 members and 6 guests. I'd like to think this is correct, but maybe not?

The figures are slightly messed up at the moment due to me changing the cookies length, at the time you posted, using he same cookie length that trf do, there were 7 members and 19 guests online.
A friend of mine taught one of Bananarama; he wrote in her school report 'will never make much of her life' [or something like that.
Those girls have done well, Moe, maybe it's not so much what they've done, but rather the way they've done it. Groan
110 users online. It's twenty past 12 o'clock in the morning
that stat cant be right surely? unless they are all out clubbing with the internet phones
no such luck for me, just sat at home watching the snooker
Already been explained above, Nathan, by the boss man:

'The figures are slightly messed up at the moment due to me changing the cookies length, at the time you posted, using he same cookie length that trf do, there were 7 members and 19 guests online.'
PS, bit of a shock losing Selby so soon, but not watched much of the snooker yet.