This and That...

Should the boss have included a politics section of this forum when he did the last upgrade?

Yes, for me. Keep all that **** off chit chat. Just my opinion :)
You can't say Sh!t on here :confused:

Just as well I never tried my first option of ****!ng sh!t, then :lol:
My son has looked at my pooter and has agreed that it's shot it [even the mouse is on it's last legs]. Has advised me to get a HP; does that sound like a good choice? Annoyingly have missed out buying one on Black Friday but expecting to pay @ £350.
Are you looking for laptop or desktop? Some cheap deals on both if you Google and free delivery. Or have you thought about getting Mr. PC man in to do an upgrade for you and he would transfer your Email etc. I did that some years ago and the guy charged £120 for refurbished tower. Moved on from that now but it did me OK for 3 or 4 years.
Laptop; I could then take it with me when we travel oop north. This computer is years old; it isn't worth spending money on. I'd probably have to spend £80 just for the computer man to tell me it wasn't worth fixing. Thankfully the laptop I was going to buy from John Lewis was out of stock yesterday as I realised afterwards that I would be paying for things on it that I didn't need anyway.
I never got my PC repaired Moe, PC guy supplied a different one, and there must be a good PC man somewhere in your area?

Anyway, I see you are after a laptop - never had one myself.
Cracking snooker match at the moment! Ding V Cahilll. Cahill has had it won twice but thrown it away. I'm on Ding, final frame shoot out
I see gamble has given up the ghost on TRF, can't blame him. Thicky Ricky seems to think that if the ghosts were given a pardon they would all come back! What a clown.
I have missed my Gamble fix since I stopped looking in on TRF around 3 years ago. Does he post anywhere else?
Ricky doesn't quite get the fact that he's pretty much talking to himself in the lounge and you need more than one person to have a conversation. I don't quite understand why so many people have been alienated from the place. Thank goodness for this'ere place.
Has been quite active on TRF lately, wasn't aware that "he had given up the ghost" as Wolf puts it.

The old boy mentioned last night that it's probably time to give up the ghost.

Don't think he posts on any other forums these days though he's been a member of most, including this one, over the years.
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Ricky doesn't quite get the fact that he's pretty much talking to himself in the lounge and you need more than one person to have a conversation. I don't quite understand why so many people have been alienated from the place. Thank goodness for this'ere place.

Ricky has never been the sharpest tack in the box. This place is OK, but not exactly chatty on chit chat :(
Ricky doesn't quite get the fact that he's pretty much talking to himself in the lounge and you need more than one person to have a conversation. I don't quite understand why so many people have been alienated from the place. Thank goodness for this'ere place.

Ricky has never been the sharpest tack in the box. This place is OK, but not exactly chatty on chit chat :(

Problem with forums is social media have all but replaced them. Personally I don't understand why, I sort of see how facebook is popular but unless you want thousands of friends who you don't actually know, then the depth of discussion will never be the same. Twitter, I've never seen the attraction at all. 160 character limit, is that not really annoying for people?

Very very few forums are anywhere near as popular as they once were unfortunately. As an example, I use a forum which is based around entertainment, films, tv, music, that type of thing. 10 years ago you could post a topic at 9am any day of the week, and if you didn't have a reply, it would be around page 10 by the afternoon. There were regulary 500+ members online. Now, 20 members online is busy, and there might only be 2 or 3 posts in the chit chat section all weekend. They haven't done anything bad, theres been no major changes to the forums, its just the way things evolve.

Ted at FF has hinted recently he is likely to be gone in May, which is a shame, he has been around a little longer than us and is probably the only other racing forum I used to visit on a regular basis.

TRF, no idea whats happened over there, it used to be busy, and considering the money I presume has been spent on promoting the site I would have expected it to be a lot busier than it is.

I suppose people move on, especially in niche fields like racing. The problem forums have now is that no one is coming along to replace them when they do, as they are all using twitter and facebook. Much the same as happened to myspace and the like. Even the big commercial forums that have been around for much longer than us are nowhere near as busy as they used to be.

In terms of bandwidth we are actually a lot busier now than we were in the past, but that is down to the google rankings, especially when there is something new posted which is of interest. We tend to be on the first page of google within 30 mins or so of a thread being posted, which results in the extra traffic, unfortunately people tend not to sign up and post for one thread :(
Went out yesterday to buy my laptop; they've sold out and have now put the price up by £50. I then bought a new battery for my landline phone, fitted it and the phone is now not working at all. I give up. Not that I've got anyone to phone anyway. Bit down in the dumps today....
have you left the landline phone on charge for a few hours?

Did you look at the refurbs I mentioned above? Which one were you going for, I'll see if I can find something similar or better for around the same price :)
Put it on charge for hours. Even put the old battery back in and charged that but it's dead as a dodo. The laptop I'm getting is a HP Pavilion p077sa. My son says they use HP's at work and they're very reliable. I might wait till the January sales; this pooter is working after a fashion. Anyway, if I get really p***d off I can use the broken phone to smash up the pooter!
Rat Scabies is selling his Damned memorabilia on Ebay - T shirts, badges, flyers etc. Punk is officially dead.