TV coverage

Jeez, when will ITV Racing get their act together with pronunciations?!

LA Goes To Vegas was bad and earlier in the season Rodadendum was not clever.

Today we've apparently got Alpha Centuri running... and as I type Clownman has just graduated to Alpha Century.
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Jeez, when will ITV Racing get their act together with pronunciations?!

LA Goes To Vegas was bad and earlier in the season Rodadendum was not clever.

Today we've apparently got Alpha Centuri running... and as I type Clownman has just graduated to Alpha Century.

Lot of worries in your life at the moment DO ? :)
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Yes, they need to take a leaf out of The West Wing. There's an episode in which the president's advisers are trying to get him to be less highbrow about the way he addresses audiences.

He gives them short shrift and insists he is dutybound by his office to raise standards.
Yes, they need to take a leaf out of The West Wing. There's an episode in which the president's advisers are trying to get him to be less highbrow about the way he addresses audiences.

He gives them short shrift and insists he is dutybound by his office to raise standards.

"Torpor. It means apathy and dullness' "I KNOW what it means!" :)
Audio is dominating sports coverage for me these days.

Much prefer podcasts and radio analysis to the image and subsequent product put out by tv broadcasts.

For whatever reason people are more likely to be honest and entertaining in non visual mediums.
Slowly working my way through ITV coverage -Murtagh is top notch -Ed C too safe for my liking -Brough Scott full of his own importance.
Thought coverage on ITV excellent all week. They have cut the fashion back too. Yes I'd still like to see more coverage of horses in paddock but it is improving. It's a good atmosphere and makes you want to be there. Only thing I don't really like is the Social Stable as I don't think they have much chemistry.
Frankly surpirsed that Emmet Kennedy's brand of inane twaddle appeals to anyone, including ITV bosses, or Kevin Blake. The type of office colleague that would make you move jobs. Best of luck to him I suppose but I find anything he is involved with unwatchable/unlistenable.
Hayley Turner deserves a mention as being very accomplished behind the microphone, informed, interesting and not always unoriginal. World be deserving of her place regardless of her exploits as a jockey.
Frankly surpirsed that Emmet Kennedy's brand of inane twaddle appeals to anyone, including ITV bosses, or Kevin Blake. The type of office colleague that would make you move jobs. Best of luck to him I suppose but I find anything he is involved with unwatchable/unlistenable.

Hitched himself to KB's wagon and not letting go!
I read last night that Dessie Scahill's contract hasn't been renewed and he's to hand over the microphone from next month.

A few years too late IMHO so while I'd say thanks for the service to the sport over the many years, thank feck he's going.
I'm obviously atypical of the viewer the ITV people want to attract but for me the coverage was crap all week, its only saving grace being Charlotte Hawkins. The fashion guy himself is fine and, as I said last year, a massive improvement on previous 'experts'.

The commentators are simply awful.

Chamberlin and the other presenters are totally wooden.

McCoy is a waste of space. I've no idea why an ex-NH jockey gets anywhere near a Flat gig (and vice versa).

The race coverage still leaves a lot to be desired. It's clear the directors aren't racing people and who focus on their own idea of visual impact over the substance of meaningful coverage. So many others sports serve viewers so much better, eg snooker and tennis.

I probably won't renew my RUK subscription when it's over but that's due to other factors, the main one being that it's a data channel and I can't record it and it's also unreliable. But the race coverage and analysis are miles better.

All in all ITV's coverage leaves me totally underwhelmed.
I've had the coverage on while getting with things around the house.

Wednesday openers from Harvey and Persad:

Persad - they've put 4mm of water all round to maintain good to firm.
Harvey - Stop complicating things. (!!!!!) Ascot doing what they do right (that's what caught my attention) ... no advantage anywhere on the track.
Persad - What about the Hunt Cup, punters are going to want to know where to be.
Harvey - Yesterday was definitely horses drawn low... the best way to demonstrate that young man is to ...

... followed immediately by him mounting Persad.

Apart from the total self-contradiction inside the space of two sentences, he then fails to demonstrate anything other than that he is a fvcking total tosser.

Following on from the 'loved-up' sequence with Clownman and Gleeson, are ITV THAT desperate to chase the pink pound???
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You are not on your own, DO.

Whilst the race is being run I would like to have a convention view of the race i.e. as you would get if you were in the stands and with as few changes of angle as possible. The arty-farts shots can be shown when the race is over.

Too many people involved, I’m amazed how some of them keep getting the gig. Luke Harvey, what is he good for........absolutely f*ck all. Rishi Persad and those awfully intrusive immediate post-race interviews.

I despair over the coverage and I find that between races I am switching the coverage off.
You are not on your own, DO.

Whilst the race is being run I would like to have a convention view of the race i.e. as you would get if you were in the stands and with as few changes of angle as possible. The arty-farts shots can be shown when the race is over.

Too many people involved, I’m amazed how some of them keep getting the gig. Luke Harvey, what is he good for........absolutely f*ck all. Rishi Persad and those awfully intrusive immediate post-race interviews.

I despair over the coverage and I find that between races I am switching the coverage off.

Is it an age thing, Colin? We agree on so much!

Another thing that disappointed me was some of the angle coverage you mention. As far as I know it's a recent thing although it might have happened last year - the angle as they turned for home. Too often they used the shot from high inside the track, only switching when nearly all the horses had completed the turn. The traditional TV from-the-stands angle is iconic here. You know you're at Ascot when you see that angle with the horses and jockeys leaning in to counter the centrifugal force of taking the bend. (Thankfully they restored the iconic head-on of Becher's in the National.) I miss the bell, though!

The immediate post-race interviews are something I like even if the interviewers are awful at them. Catching the jockeys while they're still in a euphoric state often gets them to say more than once they've calmed down. It's a failing of RUK who wait.

Rishi Persad must be sleeping with someone of influence. That can be the only explanation why he gets any job. He's probably the product of such a relationship. Harvey is a buffoon. We'd be better with Harvey the Rabbit.
Well I’ll admit to being a miserable old *******, I don’t think you’re as old as I though.

I think Rishi may be the son of a West Indian diplomat - don’t quote me on that!!