What are you backing Today?

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this idea works

up to press..1203 on the treble


on the doubles

could this be the day?..its already mint..if masonic wins... fookin hell
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i'm back again..hoping that posting will bring me luck in the middle of a bet..only a small one today..typically smaller stakes and first two win..didn't want to squander yesterday too much

Horse Racing Admirable Art, Carcharias, Suni Dancer, Masonic

[TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: CurrentBetsBackBetBgDark"]
[TD="width: 40%"][/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"] Back[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]41980942[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]13-Oct-16
[TD="width: 9%, align: center"]11[/TD]
[TD="width: 1%, align: center"] SP[/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"]-[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]53.0[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Matched[/TD]
up to press first two have won..have had a yankee basically with 5 quid stakes bar the 4 timer which is a 3 quid one

currently got about 109 quid to come back..but if one or both of others come in,,,yum yum

wish me luck with Suni Dancer 4.50 race..and Masonic in the 5.50

fingers xed..if the other two win..happy xmas everyone..coz that will be next time i post:lol:

One more EC. Sounds like you could be on for four or five grand if the last one goes in.
i've never done that Benny..crikey..i'm happy as it is..if that last one wins and i lay off..i'd shoot mesesn...let it run..i started with nowt..and am already in clover
I suppose I should point out the fact that as you posted after the first two had won, this whole thing is chronic aftertiming :)
I suppose I should point out the fact that as you posted after the first two had won, this whole thing is chronic aftertiming :)

thats true:)..but i did post the id..and i'd hope you lot trust me by now..sorry though...but i never think the multiples will get to this so don't post em

i can guarantee you..even though i know you pulling me plonker..on grand kids lives..this is genuine bet..i wouldn't make it up. As it is..i'll give me son a grand for xmas..even if the last one loses..he's got 4 boys and will appreciate it..this is a crackin day for me..will get a lot of pleasure from this
i know:),,here we go..honestly i couldn't make this up given the time

<form action="http://site.multiples.betfair.com/multiples/reporting/ViewCurrentMultipleBets.do?orderById=null" method="POST"> [TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: GlobalBackground, align: right"] Showing 1 - 1 of 1 bets [/TD]
[TD="width: 100%"] [TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: GlobalTableHeaderBackground"]
[TD="width: 40%"]Description[/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"]Type[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Bet ID[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Bet
[TD="width: 9%, align: center"]No. Multiples[/TD]
[TD="width: 1%, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"]Odds[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Stake
(£) [/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Status[/TD]
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: CurrentBetsBackBetBgDark"]
[TD="width: 40%"]
Horse Racing Admirable Art, Carcharias, Suni Dancer, Masonic

[TD="width: 5%, align: center"] Back [/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]41980942[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]13-Oct-16
14:06 [/TD]
[TD="width: 9%, align: center"]11[/TD]
[TD="width: 1%, align: center"] SP [/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"]-[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]53.0[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Matched[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 9"] [TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: CurrentBetsBackBetBgMid"]
[TD="width: 40%"]
Admirable Art, Carcharias, Suni Dancer, Masonic - To Win

[TD="width: 5%, align: center"] Back [/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]490049637[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]13-Oct-16
14:06 [/TD]
[TD="width: 9%, align: center"]-[/TD]
[TD="width: 1%, align: center"] SP [/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"]SP[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]3.0[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Matched[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 9"] [TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: CurrentBetsBackBetBgMid"]
[TD="width: 40%"]
Admirable Art, Carcharias, Suni Dancer - To Win

[TD="width: 5%, align: center"] Back [/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]490049638[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]13-Oct-16
14:06 [/TD]
[TD="width: 9%, align: center"]-[/TD]
[TD="width: 1%, align: center"] SP [/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"]240.69[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]5.0[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Won[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 9"] [TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: CurrentBetsBackBetBgMid"]
[TD="width: 40%"]
Admirable Art, Carcharias, Masonic - To Win

[TD="width: 5%, align: center"] Back [/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]490049639[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]13-Oct-16
14:06 [/TD]
[TD="width: 9%, align: center"]-[/TD]
[TD="width: 1%, align: center"] SP [/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"]SP[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]5.0[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Matched[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 9"] [TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: CurrentBetsBackBetBgMid"]
[TD="width: 40%"]
Admirable Art, Suni Dancer, Masonic - To Win

[TD="width: 5%, align: center"] Back [/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]490049640[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]13-Oct-16
14:06 [/TD]
[TD="width: 9%, align: center"]-[/TD]
[TD="width: 1%, align: center"] SP [/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"]SP[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]5.0[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Matched[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 9"] [TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: CurrentBetsBackBetBgMid"]
[TD="width: 40%"]
Carcharias, Suni Dancer, Masonic - To Win

[TD="width: 5%, align: center"] Back [/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]490049641[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]13-Oct-16
14:06 [/TD]
[TD="width: 9%, align: center"]-[/TD]
[TD="width: 1%, align: center"] SP [/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"]SP[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]5.0[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Matched[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 9"] [TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: CurrentBetsBackBetBgMid"]
[TD="width: 40%"]
Admirable Art, Carcharias - To Win

[TD="width: 5%, align: center"] Back [/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]490049642[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]13-Oct-16
14:06 [/TD]
[TD="width: 9%, align: center"]-[/TD]
[TD="width: 1%, align: center"] SP [/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"]21.93[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]5.0[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Won[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 9"] [TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: CurrentBetsBackBetBgMid"]
[TD="width: 40%"]
Admirable Art, Suni Dancer - To Win

[TD="width: 5%, align: center"] Back [/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]490049643[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]13-Oct-16
14:06 [/TD]
[TD="width: 9%, align: center"]-[/TD]
[TD="width: 1%, align: center"] SP [/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"]69.36[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]5.0[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Won[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 9"] [TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: CurrentBetsBackBetBgMid"]
[TD="width: 40%"]
Admirable Art, Masonic - To Win

[TD="width: 5%, align: center"] Back [/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]490049644[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]13-Oct-16
14:06 [/TD]
[TD="width: 9%, align: center"]-[/TD]
[TD="width: 1%, align: center"] SP [/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"]SP[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]5.0[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Matched[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 9"] [TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: CurrentBetsBackBetBgMid"]
[TD="width: 40%"]
Carcharias, Suni Dancer - To Win

[TD="width: 5%, align: center"] Back [/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]490049645[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]13-Oct-16
14:06 [/TD]
[TD="width: 9%, align: center"]-[/TD]
[TD="width: 1%, align: center"] SP [/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"]38.08[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]5.0[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Won[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 9"] [TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: CurrentBetsBackBetBgMid"]
[TD="width: 40%"]
Carcharias, Masonic - To Win

[TD="width: 5%, align: center"] Back [/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]490049646[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]13-Oct-16
14:06 [/TD]
[TD="width: 9%, align: center"]-[/TD]
[TD="width: 1%, align: center"] SP [/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"]SP[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]5.0[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Matched[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 9"] [TABLE="width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: CurrentBetsBackBetBgMid"]
[TD="width: 40%"]
Suni Dancer, Masonic - To Win

[TD="width: 5%, align: center"] Back [/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]490049647[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]13-Oct-16
14:06 [/TD]
[TD="width: 9%, align: center"]-[/TD]
[TD="width: 1%, align: center"] SP [/TD]
[TD="width: 5%, align: center"]SP[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]5.0[/TD]
[TD="width: 10%, align: center"]Matched[/TD]


thanks Treff + TC + whoever else wishes well

i have run this through a calculator..if last one wins at even..its £5761..if stake is 5 a bet..but 4 timer is only 3 quid..so you weren't far out Benny,,about 5k

at mo its 1851....which is...many meals ..cat food and guinneses..which is all that matters to me at this point:)
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Can't think like that. If you'd been offered a four figure profit at the start of the day you'd have jumped at it.

Unless anyone else has anything for Chelmsford, I'm off to drink a bottle of red.
. If you'd been offered a four figure profit at the start of the day you'd have jumped at it.


cracking day in reality world..get that red down you Benny..i'll get a tikka on the go for dinner..feet up for me now
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cheers Bonjers,,more days to come..if they a fraction as good as today then all will be well

what could have beens are just that..what ares.. are sweet..best to relish em
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Corker of a payout all the same ! Suni Dancer where did that one come from what a pick

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Well done EC1. Tomorrow looked well difficult. The only bet for me is HOTFILL in the 4:55 at Haydock. Could be anything this one. Ran 2nd at 50/1 in a maiden at Newcastle, where the 3rd and 4th horses who finished in close proximity behind him have both won since, making Hotfill look quite well handicapped off 70. At 14/1 I'll take my chance.
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