What are you backing Today?

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They must have been some measures.For my sins I think Melodic Rendezvous will love the going-the fences might be tricky but he will love the going.
He will. I might end up backing them both against the front two. I think God's Own is overrated and VV has had too many races this season.
Today was the most soul destroying day I ever had backing horses-financially I've had worse a lot worse but I finished today completely crushed.
I have had a glass or two of Captain Morgan this evening so it might be that, but Grandouet is winking at me tomorrow. The front two are soooooooo opposable

Grandouet is forever giving punters the glad eye
He,s just that tease in the corner who ends sending you home with a copy of razzle if you ask me :D
aye..and ell done form the all the others that regularly read this thread but never even put up one comment...thanks:)

not bad for a novice who regularly gets criticised on this forum from folk who seem to have lots of time for negative comments..but can't be arsed to post here..f00k the lot of em Benny + Dan eh?

appreciate your comments throughout the year..there are some right arseholes on here for sure..point scoring tossers generally..but there also a few really decent people..that make it worthwhile
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Best just ignore them EC.

Any thoughts on wolves tonight? Ballyfarsoon in the 6.40 has been put up by a respected judge on another forum. Comeuppance should win too, seem to remember you talking about that one in the past.

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Good shout EC1. Must admit, I decided to just back for a place after you posted as already on 2 in the race. Still, keep the shouts coming in 2015!!
Well done EC1, you're hot, don't look at the jumpers much, usually finished by the time i get home in winter.
Studfarmer was a huge eyecatcher lto and appears to be coming back to form, Polly has only had 2 runners at Wolver and won with one of them.
Totally different ride by Catlin, up with the pace!:confused:
Think Young Jason Hart might be in trouble there, might well have won if he had a gap to go through!
Best just ignore them EC.

Any thoughts on wolves tonight? Ballyfarsoon in the 6.40 has been put up by a respected judge on another forum. Comeuppance should win too, seem to remember you talking about that one in the past.

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Not taking credit for it in the slightest but Ballyfarsoon won well!

Comeuppance is one of those horses...

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