What Are You Listening To Now?

I like to actually own a cd with a picture on the front and [if I'm lucky] lyrics inside. Never took to tapes, but cd's replaced LP's in my affection. It's the tactile thing; like owning books [which are mine forever because I can't bring myself to pass them on, although I know I should]. I don't want to just listen to music I want to hold it in my hand. but I am a dying breed, it seems. [my daughter loses her iplayer about once a week; can't do that with my cd player!]
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Love having the lyrics inside, although my offkey yowling to the songs can only be done when alone, and with doors and windows closed. Hideous. So bad that at school I was bunged into the descant section because I follow a tune like a crow.

We have a really good jazz saxophonist here (Brighton) called Laurence Jones, who's cut a few cd's. He loves racing and usually arrives at Brighton with Keith Ingram, a younger guy and occasional racehorse owner. I was surprised when Laurence arrived with Keith at Lingfield a few meetings back, but pleased, as he's a sweet fellow. He asked me how my winter had been and when I none too delicately replied "Crap!" he fished his latest CD out of his jacket pocket and said, "Here you go - this'll cheer you up!" That's what music should be, I think - something to make other people feel. Preferably feel 'better', or happy, but to feel - even if it's sometimes pensive, reflective, or downright sad.
Yes; I sing along to music thats playing very loud in the house, and think I sound really good until I hear myself without the music playing. Not many cd's seem to have the lyrics these days and I can't seem to make out what people are singing about [it's my age; hearings not so good].
You'd have loved the little lyrics sheets that were tucked in with the pirate cassettes we used to buy in Saudi, Moehat! They were shipped over in their thousands from Thailand. Whoever taped the songs wrote down what they literally sounded like to a non-English speaking ear, with some wonderful results. It's not exactly what was printed, but examples would be like:

Don't lead be these way
I card serve I
Don't lead be these way


Buddies all ride now
In fat is a gas
It's a gas gas gas...
So far a fantastic year for new records. The new album from Moonsorrow (a "epic heathen metal") band from Finland is pretty awesome.
Wasted another ten quid on the new REM at Tescos. Don't know why I bothered, because I was pretty bored with REM many albums ago. Perhaps it will grow on me, but I think not. Only went in to see if they had the new Gorillaz as well [they didn't]. Looked at my basket [Julia Donaldson book for grandson, cd and pack of AAA batteries] and it crossed my mind that I really should have bought some food. Went home and ate most of an Easter egg; had the rest for breakfast.
Excellent choice of breakfast food, Moehat! Anyone asks, you can truthfully say you had an egg. :lol: I've been buying bags of Cadbury's mini-eggs as rewards for the size loss. Regrettably, my self-rewarding got a bit out of hand (as a dark corner of my brain knew it would), and I've gone and bought loads of (very good) fresh plums and oranges instead. Oh, boy, all very pious, but they sure ain't the same!
Actually new REM quite pleasant for doing the spring cleaning to. Now my eyes are pretty well buggered, I don't see cobwebs any more until I look for them, so it's a bit of a shock when I do and I feel embarrassed that younger eyes have seen me living in squalor since last spring clean. Diet starts tomorrow; venturing 'down south' next month so need to get into me decent clothes.

I can imagine how delighted REM would be to know that their stuff's good for encouraging domestic chores!

"Oh, yes," says Mrs Moehat, "I find the lads brilliant for helping me get round the kitchen in no time, and British Sea Power's also terrific for when I'm doing the bathroom."
..not very rock'n'roll is it? Did anyone see the delightful interview with Robert Plant the other week..seems that, as everyone had this rock god image of him, with groupies hanging off every ceiling he was trecking in mountains and finding enlightenment of another nature [perhaps this should be mentioned on the 'Age of Reason' thread..just take off into the hills, chaps]..he was very poetic, incredibly funny [mobile phone goes off oh, that must be the wife..chuckle,oh, I haven't got one!]; at one point thought of packing it all in and becoming a Steiner teacher [would have made a fantastic teacher], although that was because , sadly, his oldest child had died at the age of five. Anyways, I'm just putting off starting on the kitchen. [must point out there were groupies hanging off the ceiling as well...]..he ever so slightly camp as well, which must have gone down even better with the girls, although men probably don't realise that.
Having watched the two part documentary on Queen the last couple of days have dug out greatest hits and Queen 11. Mercury really had the most fantastic voice.
Loved the trip back in time to watch Queen, too. Fred had such an amazing voice and such star presence - said to a friend today that I'm sure Tim Curry, as Frank N. Furter in The Rocky Horror Show, based his moves on Freddie's. Similar facial expressions, too.
Are you on strong meds, Bar? I can't imagine listening to Tom Waits more than once, and then I'd want to be paid for it. Same-same Leonard Cohen.
I can't imagine listening to Tom Waits more than once, and then I'd want to be paid for it.

This boggles my mind. Tom has produced some of the most beautiful music I've ever heard (as well as some of the most strange)

Sure I can understand that a lot of people can't handle any music that isn't song with clean vocals (I call them philistines) but lauding Freddie frigging Mercury on the same page. w/o/w

Listen to this and tell me it isn't songwriting at it's finest

Oh, and that post from someone enamoured of shrieking neo-Viking romper-stompers with as much ear for a tune as a donkey with its balls in a vice? I find Tom Waits boring - you don't. So what? No big deal, Euro. We all like different things, thank God. Or Odin.
Just bought the new Seasick Steve, because I quite liked him on Jools the other week [now that he's got a bass player]. Never been into bluesy stuff much, but I'll give it a go. Only liked a couple of tracks, but it might be another grower. I do like his voice.