What Are You Listening To Now?

Cheers, DG, I spotted my error while you were posting. :)

A few years ago, you could flick through someones record/CD/tape collection and get a good idea about their life, the sort of places they'd frequent and generally if you're going to have much in common with them.

Today though, people download all sorts of stuff, or simply copy someone else entire music collection, as it costs nothing, with a more is better attitude. I try to 'keep it real' and if something doesn't fit my bag, then it's gone.

A few weeks ago, I selected a few sample albums that I thought someone might like (they're a good few years younger than me), put them on a stick, only to be asked why didn't I just write them down so they could have checked them out themselves, rather than dick about with the USB stick. A little rude, but they didn't know any better. They said thanks etc, but mentioned that to save me time in future I guess.

Take me back to the 70's, PLEASE!
My daughter used to get compilation tapes given to her when a teenager by prospective suitors; I wonder if that still happens? The common ground for any relationship being liking the same music imo.
You might like this, Jack, dunno. Give it more than a minute or two though.

This has really, really grown on me after a couple of listens. I like it a lot.
So much so that I have downloaded onto my smartphone for listening-while-walking.

Doesn't Track 6 ("Flowing By") sound the nearest thing you ever heard to what Donovan might have done.

Never heard of the outfit before. What a crap name for a band, tho! Kak ??? :o
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As a side bet, I'd take 4/5 that you've got some old Budgie albums stashed away somewhere. :D
Forgot to refer to the above in my reply.
Yes, you'ld win that bet. :)
Budgie, were big on the university circuit, but rarely got played on mainstream radio.

I could be argued that Budgie single-handedly invented Heavy Metal. They have been hugely influential on countless subsequent metal bands, as has Tony Bourge's guitar style.
Metallica covered a couple of their songs, including this rather well-known one -- "Breadfan".
It still rocks. :)

I love some of their titles.

Hot As A Dockers Armpit.
Crash Course In Brain Surgery.
Nude Disintegrating Parachutist Woman.
You're The best Thing Since Powdered Milk.

I only have 3 of their Albums. Budgie, In For The Kill and Impeckable. I actually prefer their mellower tracks, but I should gather the rest of the albums up later, just so I've got the set. :) I hadn't realised they'd done so many. I knew I'd missed one or two, but theres a lot out there.
Dunno if they've been mentioned here before, but I've just discovered The Showhawk Duo.

Just two dudes with guitars as far as I can tell, as I've only seen limited YouTube footage, but their arrangement of 'Insomnia' by Faithless is top-drawer.

I can only apologise for being too thick to post a link, but a YT search is highly recommended.
Playing London Grammar for 3 days now. Not my sort of music at all but thought it would be a good end of the day wind down sort of album. Took a few listens to, but love it now.
I listen to a lot of Podcasts now I have a lot of spare time and I'm a big fan of Doug Stanhope (most widely known for his appearances on Charlie Brooker's weekly wipe). Anyhoo, Doug has a podcast where he just shoots the **** with other comedians, friends and his girlfriend. On one he recorded in October he introduces this guy who rents Doug's house when he's on tour. He lived there with his girlfriend (who it turns out Doug had slept with back in the day whilst on tour) and they are a duo who perform under the moniker og nowhere man and a whiskey girl. I say perform but it turns out the lady of the partnership is on Dialysis and can't get out much so they just play gigs in the local area with her machine on standby in their van.

Turns out a couple of days after the podcast was recorded she died, and then her partner/husband subsequently killed himself. Story here:

Heartbreaking stuff. And it turns out the stuff they did is really good:


A couple of their albums are on Spotify.
My daughter loved Madness when she was young [by that I mean 4 or 5 but she did have very good taste for a young'un] so I have their Best of Cd, which I'll now have to play. Baggy trousers is my favourite. Real 'make you happy' music. I'll have to play it now. Reckon Kaiser Chiefs are the new Madness [like them too]. Played Duran Duran all last week after watching a programme about them. Didn't realise that they worked a lot with Nile Rodgers.
I loved madness. Once tried to see them live in the heyday but we backed out when we saw 1000 skinheads at the gig. Most music should make you feel good imo. But they were clever too. I loved My Girl

Also im not much into music vidoes but One step is one of the best ever.

I saw the specials a couple of times including their first london gig at the nashville.They were considered more "serious" because they were political blah blah. but they werent a patch on madness. Not half as clever and nothing like the feel for the music

Duran Duran did but i cant abide them. pompous souless pricks. Niles worked with lots of people in truth too

Talking about feelgood, i saw one gig by this lot and i cant imagine theres ever been a more electric live band. Proper blokes too. Not wanky students.Maybe my soul bias drives it but they were magic

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Heard a track from Eric Clapton & Friends : The Breeze a tribute to J J Cale, on the radio, Someday, featuring Mark Knopfler and really liked it. This track produced by Simon Climie who wrote one of my all time favourite songs. Bought the album for one of my brothers, who likes to think he is a connoisseur of music, and he can't stop playing it.
What I'm actually listening to now is Christian mcbride. Big band. Superb jazz with his great bass
bass and Dvorak string quartets.
Playing London Grammar for 3 days now. Not my sort of music at all but thought it would be a good end of the day wind down sort of album. Took a few listens to, but love it now.
They've made some good tunes, I still love all the urban type of stuff.
I think much of urban music is essentially re-jigged from a previous era. For instance, the tunes I was listening to 15 years ago seem to come back around now only with a different name and brand, almost giving me de ja vu, often jazzed up with a different baseline, but its all good and thats how Puff Daddy made his name I suppose.:) Seems to happen in cycles.
London Grammar are excellent though. Very mellow, but nice.
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Just going to give the new Alt J another listen. I do like it but I think I was expecting too much of it.
Credit to Brian Wilson for donating it but the Children In Need version of God Only Knows is a complete travesty of the best love song of all time.