What Are You Listening To Now?

Was listening to Metaphorest last night, like I've done for the last couple of years at this time. Her album is very good, this is Clocks Back and she gave us fans a reminder of it on facebook last night. Cheers Sarah

Credit to Brian Wilson for donating it but the Children In Need version of God Only Knows is a complete travesty of the best love song of all time.

Its one of those songs that was so perfectly crafted that it cam never adequately be reproduced

To be a bit particular I would nominate unchained melody by the righteoys brothers or I want you by marvin gaye but its bloody close.
Credit to Brian Wilson for donating it but the Children In Need version of God Only Knows is a complete travesty of the best love song of all time.

this one? Its bloody awful isn't it?

I know its probably been missed but you can insert youtube videos into posts now, either manually put video tages round the url or click the little filmstrip icon above the reply box and it will do it for you

If you really want to see a great love song absolutely butchered. ... Well see this.. It's horrendous
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Weird that caps don't work in BOLD. Will have to check that out again sometime.

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Wish I was in the audience for this performance, G-G. Suspended In Gaffa from French TV Show:

Don't like all the output from these sisters, but do like the haunting quality of this. It's even got a grey horse in it :D

Bowie's take on Brel's Port Of Amsterdam. A good memory of the 70s and Bowie mad boys and girls.

Was talking to someone earlier about albums that didn't have any duff tracks on them and 'Bridge' was mentioned. Prompted me to have a listen to The Boxer
