What Are You Listening To Now?

Here's an idea that I'm sure you'll all love! ;-) Think back to the first single that you bought, find it and post it... I'll start, going back to the 60s for mine:

Was talking to someone earlier about albums that didn't have any duff tracks on them and 'Bridge' was mentioned. Prompted me to have a listen to The Boxer

The Boxer would have be in my Desert Island ten. One of my all time favourite songs. Hum it when I am stressed at work. Took my boss a year to work out what it was. A man with no taste.
<a href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EpA-7dNuobU" target="_blank">

My first and still quite like it. Ride a white swan was their best though. The boxer is a genuinely great single.
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<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R8EpAv4miA" target="_blank">
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A mention of Wardour Street in another thread has prompted me to dig out my vinyl 'Snap' double album - Jam. An energetic performance on TOGWT of A Bomb...

Programme on BBC4 Monday night about Jack Bruce. Just noticed it whilst looking to see if Puppy Love was going to be repeated...[it is].
If you wanted to get very coked up and then proceed to explain how the Armenian genocide was decidedly uncool, there are worse ways of going about it than this.

This catchy Serb number expresses how Ladas are the fastest, most powerful cars in the world and how Citroens are generally driven by those whose sexuality isn't as readily accepted over there as it is over here

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And this delightful Bosniak track is a light-hearted rebuttal to unwanted female attention. Whilst TLC's "No Scrubs" sent the message that men bereft of dollar shouldn't holler, this song simply says "I'm not interested in you because you're fat and stupid".

Perhaps we have something to learn from the Balkans...
This is a tune that one almost forgets, then it pops up on BBC 4 and reminds us how truly great it is- Black Dog - dedicated to our old friend Gamble :cool:
