What Are You Listening To Now?

Nice one Clive. Is that label still going? Think Sinéad O'Connor has made use of them in the past, she'd be an interesting one to have a chat with.
And talking of Mr. Rotten -who will surely be knighted for his services to country life- PIL
Jeff Buckleys 'Grace'. Mark Radclife played a track from it on R6 t'other day and I quite liked it. Thought about buying it then realised that someone had copied it for me years ago so dug it out and blew the cobwebs off. Spent ages tonight trying to work out who it reminded me of and it was Turin Brakes. Bit dreary but at least I didn't pay for it.
God, I think that is an absolute travesty.
When one realises the narrative and substance of the original, one must also realise how grotesque it is for a woman to cover it.

On top of that where is the texture, Brooker's vocal range, the sublime organ-playing of Matt Fisher, the whole atmosphere?
Annie Lennox should stick to doing what is within her artistic limits -- singing basic pop for the charts.
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Icebreaker.. I like Annie's version :). Not a clue what the song is about, never been fussed enough to find out either.

Come on Annie just won 2.20 at Taunton as well, so it's all good
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They were being really crazy
They were on the come, and you know what mummy?
Everybody was being really crazy
Uh huh, the monsters are crazy, there are monsters outside

Ice - the propal harem ( sorry about my terrible spelling, not a fan, so don't write it very often!) thing with the bbc concert orchestra was done for radio 2's Friday Night is Music Night - I had a feeling when I saw you say about the bbc orchestra that it would be a radio 2 do, but wanted to make sure ( don't recall seeing it as a suggestion when you first mentioned the gig? Sorry if you knew this already!!)

I think it's on either tonight from 8pm or next Friday, so make sure you tune in :)
Ice - the propal harem ( sorry about my terrible spelling, not a fan, so don't write it very often!) thing with the bbc concert orchestra was done for radio 2's Friday Night is Music Night - I had a feeling when I saw you say about the bbc orchestra that it would be a radio 2 do, but wanted to make sure ( don't recall seeing it as a suggestion when you first mentioned the gig? Sorry if you knew this already!!)

I think it's on either tonight from 8pm or next Friday, so make sure you tune in :)

Feck it anyways, I can't receive Radio2 where I'm at -- BBC broadcasts can't reach that far. I wonder can one get Radio2 over the internet?

Many thanks for the heads-up, Trudi; I wasn't aware of when the concert was due to be broadcast. Even tho' in the interim I've migrated towards Metal, I've been a fan of their music for 40 years and still hugely enjoy listening to it. I have most of their albums. So I would love to hear this historic concert occasion. I'll try my damndest to find some way of achieving that. :rolleyes:
Feck it anyways, I can't receive Radio2 where I'm at -- BBC broadcasts can't reach that far. I wonder can one get Radio2 over the internet?

Many thanks for the heads-up, Trudi; I wasn't aware of when the concert was due to be broadcast. Even tho' in the interim I've migrated towards Metal, I've been a fan of their music for 40 years and still hugely enjoy listening to it. I have most of their albums. So I would love to hear this historic concert occasion. I'll try my damndest to find some way of achieving that. :rolleyes:

http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/on-air this seems to work? :)
Radio 2 does live streaming on their website im pretty certain, or if you can get red button they often put the big ones on there?
It's times like this I wish I had the gadgetry to record things,
cos Id have happily done that for you - but I'm far too daft :(
Thanks to you both. Much appreciated. I'll work on those links nearer the time. :rolleyes:

Icebreaker.. I like Annie's version :). Not a clue what the song is about, never been fussed enough to find out either.
Put it this way, it's a bit like a male singer doing a cover version of Eartha Kitt's "I Love Men".
On tonight at 8! Thanks trudij...I'd've forgottne [still time for me to forget, though; must put a big note somewhere...] Just off out to buy [hopefully] the latest Metronomy album.