What are you watching

I love Jennifer Lawrence but don't like her collaborations with that director. Hated American Hustle [no idea what was going on] and Silver Linings Playbook was just too twee. Tempted to see 'Joy' because of the rave reviews but think I'll wait for the dvd [when the dvd is cheap, that is].
....re WTN; I was relieved to find out, on watching it properly that the man who died had just joined Levison for a few days and wasn't part of his team [not that it made his death any less tragic, obviously]. Finished off watching the last two episodes last night. I just love anything with camels in [memories of Benedict Allen walking the Naamid desert with camels a few years back]. And as confused as ever as to why there are so many wars going on and what anyone gains from it.
Have just finished my Suits latest season I am now at a loose end. What series is worth giving a go? Bear in mind I have watched and appreciated the following shows in order of preference (giving an idea of my taste or lack of)

(Plus im too lazy to trawl through the full thread, sorry)

The Sopranos
The Wire
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad
Peaky Blinders....

Suppose they are the main ones. Tried Mad Men, could not get into it at all...

Making a Murderer is very good

Jessica Jones is excellent, don't be put off by it being a marvel series if you don't like that type of things because its not all superhero's.
Have just finished my Suits latest season I am now at a loose end. What series is worth giving a go? Bear in mind I have watched and appreciated the following shows in order of preference (giving an idea of my taste or lack of)

(Plus im too lazy to trawl through the full thread, sorry)

The Sopranos
The Wire
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad
Peaky Blinders....

Suppose they are the main ones. Tried Mad Men, could not get into it at all...

Dexter is a good watch
The new House Of Cards if you can get it.
The West Wing - one of the best shows I've ever seen.
Walking Dead, although that's gone shite recently.
Dexter is a good watch
The new House Of Cards if you can get it.
The West Wing - one of the best shows I've ever seen.
Walking Dead, although that's gone shite recently.

The West Wing - one of the best shows EVER
Walking Dead definitely so far same excellent standard of all the series' shown on terrestrial tele.
The Bridge, all 3
The Killing, not the American version.
Scandal - an absolute hoot.
Damages - also a hoot.

I am 2 DVDs into Mad Dogs and still struggling with it. Shame as it is a really good cast, and there are really good moments in it.
Don't bother with Mad Dogs. From your list I'd say you like believability in your dramas. Mad Dogs just has people behaving stupidly and scenes that don't make sense. It also has a disappointing ending. Save yourself the time and go and trade it in for something better.

I'd forgotten about Southland. What a travesty that they ended it so soon.
I do! It was a present so I am having a guilt complex if I give up on it, but have to say it is mostly annoying rather than anything else and there are so many holes in the plot......

Southland was brilliant. Never understood why it didn't have a better time slot, was always on very late.
Have just finished my Suits latest season I am now at a loose end. What series is worth giving a go? Bear in mind I have watched and appreciated the following shows in order of preference (giving an idea of my taste or lack of)

(Plus im too lazy to trawl through the full thread, sorry)

The Sopranos
The Wire
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad
Peaky Blinders....

Suppose they are the main ones. Tried Mad Men, could not get into it at all...

Just realised you didn't mention The Blacklist.
Season 1 isn't brilliant (its good, just not as good as seasons 2 and 3 to date), but I think thats more because you dont know the characters, and I don't think they knew which way to take it without knowing if it would get a season 2, but it just gets better and better as it goes on, James Spader is excellent in his role, and I don't think I have seen a single bad review of the show.
Just started watching The Man in the High Castle on Amazon. It's very good.

Basically a dystopian drama set in a 1960s America where the Germans have won the war and the US is split into Nazi controlled east and Japanese Pacific states.
I chanced upon the Grey Panthers (all 4) which is a Canal Plus production over the weekend. Halfway through the 6 part series. Clever and a good story. I was originally put of by the plot description and title. Hooked!
Finally finished True Detective Season 1 - self important turgid twaddle that thinks it has something to say, when in fact, it has nothing to say. Like the pub bore.
Have just finished my Suits latest season I am now at a loose end. What series is worth giving a go? Bear in mind I have watched and appreciated the following shows in order of preference (giving an idea of my taste or lack of)

(Plus im too lazy to trawl through the full thread, sorry)

The Sopranos
The Wire
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad
Peaky Blinders....

Suppose they are the main ones. Tried Mad Men, could not get into it at all...

Anyone else seen the start of the trailer for James Nesbitt's new drama 'Lucky Man'? Every time it comes on I think it's an advert for RUK.

Probably just me.
Duetschland '83 proving to be somewhat disappointing. As spies go, the lead character should have been collared at least a dozen times by now, and I'm only up to episode four.

Looking forward to seeing the first episode of Spin on catch-up this week.
I'm enjoying MAM.

Four episodes in, and I have developed a healthy-dislike for small-town US law-enforcement officials. Intrigued to know how it all plays out.
Really? Seemed just an ordinary dim witted fellow to me.

I'm seven episodes in and whilst I'm 60% that he's innocent in my mind I have it that in America there is this cliche that one enters prison a small time criminal and get sort of schooled into being a hardened one. So even though Steve was 100% innocent of the first offence his 15 years in prison may have drastically altered his personality.
Been watching Shades of Blue as I have always been a fan of Ray Liotta.

Not too bad and it also stars Warren Kole.

This is Warren Kole


When I saw This I was gobsmacked


I've seen some close lookalike before but this one had me totally fooled

2nd guy is Aaron Tveit who stars as Danny Zuko in Grease Live