What are you watching

A little previous but series 4 of Unforgotten currently filming ( sent them an invoice today for use of a car park owned by the local council - they got it cheap compared to Cruella....anyway I digress) . If you haven't seen any of them , highly , highly recommend, but particularly series 3 which is absolutely brilliant.
Did anyone watch Deadwater Fell? I’ve got it recorded to watch all in one go, but I’m curious as to if it’s any good or not...

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Did anyone watch Deadwater Fell? I’ve got it recorded to watch all in one go, but I’m curious as to if it’s any good or not...

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Yes I did. Very disappointing. Started OK but a wasted opportunity and a poor ending. And DT’s beard was just too bushy!
Aljazeera -Yemen war profiteers uk enabling the deaths of 85,000 children starving to death,meanwhile the MSM BorisBroadcastingCompany ETC Philip schofield is gay,and Tracy brabin wore an off the shoulder dress in parliament much to the outrage of brexit voters tories..Tory britain subterfuge bullsh1t..

Not outraged:

Record Foodbank use
Record A&E waiting times
Record rise in rough sleeping
Record fatal knife crimes
Record local authority cuts
Record national debt
Record NHS waiting lists
Russian report not released..

Totally outraged:

Tracy Brabin’s shoulder
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When is Homeland on? I have stuck with it although my enthusiasm waned when they killed Brody off.

Never the same after he left it. My 4 year old is called after him although spelt Brodie. :)

Sunday 16th...but has lost it's appeal as apart from anything else, how many times can Carrie be told to stay out of 'it' and ignore whoever says it, arrive late whenever expected to turn up somewhere in an episode and say sorry I'm late whilst shaking her head?
It's funny, I can handle the absolute nonsense of something like fast and furious movies, but sit me down with a drama/thriller and I am a stickler for accuracy.
Went to see The Personal Life of David Copperfield last week. Hilarious. OK plenty of Dickens aficionados will complain and say DC wasn’t Asian but it’s still a sharp, witty, fast paced, feel good film which I thoroughly enjoyed. Hugh Laurie, Peter Capaldi and Tilda Swinton are all excellent as is Dev Patel. Happily go back and watch it again.

Havent caught up with Homeland yet.