What are you watching

Just back from a few days hols in Italy, the 'normal' tele was basically non existent where we were staying but luckily had Netflix so late in the evenings, we were watching Designated Survivor which neither of us had heard of. Not possibly the greatest casting with Keifer Sutherland in the main part, but he co produced it, but interesting and we were hooked. Suspect from one scene is not new so may have to see if DVD available.

I need to catch up with Blue Lights as well as missed the last episode being away.

PS Absolutely NO holdups at passport control sporting our black British passports, either side, went straight through both times. :)

Designated Survivor is a decent watch
I watched David Mitchell’s Outsiders on Dave last night whilst channel hopping. Much preferred it to Taskmaster which I’ve never taken to and which it has been compared to. Need to find out when it’s on again.
Anyway, currently I am watching The Boys on Prime. A sort of anti-Superhero series. Pretty gory but very good.

Also Modern Family, just started this one. Americans are great at Comedy for TV (The Office, Seinfeld) but they are terrible at comedy for film. Weird.

Got through two seasons of the Boys and just one of Modern Family. Can't be bothered continuing as I've been in a movie watching mood so far this year. I've seen since the turn of the year:

Out of Sight 7/10 - Enjoyable caper, Jo Lo was perfection in the 90s.
Knives Out and Glass Onion 8 and 6. Modernised Agatha Christie. The first one was really good.
Face/Off 5. This was a rewatch via a Podcast and I was curious to see if I was harsh hating it the first time I saw it. I wasn't.
Insidious 6. Not terrible which is a compliment for a horror film. Not my thing
Master and Commander 7. Surprised I'd not seen this before as I like Crowe. Solid.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall 7. I like American comedy tv series but not so much movies. This was OK though, very good cast.
Howard's End 8. This was excellent, Hopkins terrific, HBC I've always loved.
Get Out 8. Probably the best of the films I've watched here. Original, thought provoking and a great ending.
Mad Max Fury Road 8. Again surprised I liked it as I never watched the Mel Gibson Mad Max series. Hardy was very menacing and I loved the action sequences
Le Mepris 7. Change of pace, a French classic. 1963 and Bardot has her arse on show, you cannot beat the continentals sometimes.
Le Cercle Rouge 7. Simple story but delivered with such panache and style by Delon, Montand and Volante.
Drive 8. Gosling was excellent here, very Tom Hardy in terms of being captivating without doing much.
Traffic 6. This could have done with 20 minutes lobbing off it. A good story and cast but just a bit too long. Del Torro excellent as usual.
The Raid 7. Very Violent Indonesian sort of gangster film. Enjoyable and original
Bronson 5. Pretty boring biopic type thing. Hardy was ok but overall it dragged for me.
Blade Runner 2049 8. Again Gosling with a really good performance. I wasn't a massive fan of the original but this was decent, very good effects.
Gosford Park 8. I like these very British stiff period dramas. Immense cast.
In Bruges 7. Settle for this after not being able to find anything else but it was ok. Gleason and Farrell worked really well together.
Dune 8. Never read the book which is an omission as it's my style. Regret that now as this was excellent even if a tad long. Looking forward to seeing the part 2 in the cinema.
Ad Astra 7. Loved the space scenes and effects although the story was a bit lightweight. Not bad.
You’ve reminded me to get Dune. I’ve been meaning to watch it for ages. Loved the books when I was going through my sci fi phase in the 70’s. Never quite worked out why Crowe is so watchable but he is. ( except for Les Miserables….I mean why? Just why??) I had a bad leg for several months years ago and watched so many films during that time. Had just discovered Guilherme del Toro and watched all of his back catalogue. I must rewatch Pan’s Labyrinth. Just realised there’s a new Hunger Games film coming out this year but not sure if it can be any good without Jennifer Lawrence.
Got through two seasons of the Boys and just one of Modern Family. Can't be bothered continuing as I've been in a movie watching mood so far this year. I've seen since the turn of the year:
Master and Commander 7. Surprised I'd not seen this before as I like Crowe. Solid.

I LOVE M&C! One of those films I can watch again and again.Think the effects/staging etc are exceptional, Crowe is very believably and the majority of the rest of the cast support him well. Currently on terrestrial where they show it 5 times in a fortnight if no one has seen it.
You’ve never watched her in Grease? She was utterly fabulous in that...completely stole it in my opinion.

Think most of the cast were not teenagers either! Didn't appeal to watch it. Very unimpressed seeing Saturday Night Fever at the cinema ( and having kittens with fellow school mates trying to get it in to see it as it was X rated and the lady on the counter had a reputation for turning away anyone she thought underage and letting everyone in the queue know about it ) , and didn't think Travolta et al were worth the ticket price again. Never got round to seeing it when it has been on television either.
Stockard was superb as the First Lady alongside Martin Sheen and basically the rest of the cast in The West Wing.
Cambridge Spies by Peter Moffat: dates from 2004 I think, the story of Philby, McLean, Burgess and Blunt. If truthful, typical b upperclass twits in charge who couldn't basically see what was going on in front of them. If Guy Burgess really was as obnoxious as portrayed by Tom Hollander, how the hell did he have that kind of employment in the first place? Just been re-shown on London Live, freeview channel 8 - available to stream also.
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I'm not a great fan of Grease, either.

Not doubting anyone's acting or dancing ability - maybe the singing of one or two but I don't expect actors to be brilliant singers anyway - but the subject matter didn't appeal to the 22/23yo me.
Amazing so far (4eps in). Loving the interplay between Gerri and Roman and some of Logan's swearing is amongst the best ever, Trainspotting type brilliance.

"Everything's coming up fcuk" I'm using that during Royal Ascot.