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    Lord Oaksey R.I.P.

    Very sad to hear of this. Rest in peace, Sir Oaksey. He was a true gentleman. So knowledgeable in both tradition and modernism within the racing world. Doubt we'll get his like again.
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    Captions Required

    (Horse in background); "You should see what he looks like from where I'm standing, Kaut!'
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    Departures 2010

    I think he's mistaken I'm afraid. I'm sure it was poor Gallery Man that fell fatally. Horrible end for a lovely youngster who was making such progress after a shaky start in career.
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    How unlucky can you be ??

    French Ballerina is another that comes to mind. She was such a gorgeous mare.
  5. R

    Horse Lost on firing range!

    No idea but a tall bay pony has just arrived in my local riding school. And so soon after old Shergies passing...hmmm. ;)
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    Happy New Year...

    Wishing all forumites the very best for 2010.
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    Departures 2010

    The talented Mourne Rambler escaped the course after falling at the last at Leopardstown on the 29th and had to be put down after being struck by a car.
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    Okay, I'll start us off: HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

    Hoping you and yours have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah or Enjoyable Black Sabbath. ;) Hey, I'm open minded... Take care all and best wishes for the New Year.
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    Look for the phantom plait: horse-nappers about

    This has been a much discussed subject on the Horse & Hound forum. I’ve posted several threads below and there are more still.
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    A Right Balls Up

    Nothing to offer to the subject eitherway but I must say what a fabulous word.
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    The Sarah Palin Appreciation Thread

    Obama's postcard to her. She'll not think of presidency for a while...
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    Departures 2009

    That is a rule that should be enforced in some of the jockeys at point-to-points I've been to and a lesson that should be learned long before they ever get to a racetrack. How stupid do they have to be? The most recent incident witnessed being unfit tail enders exhausted after the three mile...
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    Fancy a hiking holiday in Spain?

    There didn't appear any suitable threads in which to post this and hope it hasn't been posted before.
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    Edward Woodward RIP

    Sad news. RIP.
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    Spirit of the age...

    I recall carrying notes home asking if parents would send in cleaning products. That was twenty years ago. Nice to know times have moved on!
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    Inglis Drever put to sleep RIP

    So sad he didn't enjoy a longer retirement and condolences to all involved with him. Nice to have the memories though.
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    Jan Moir on Stephen Gateley

    Interesting piece here;
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    Very Sad Day

    I didn't even know they got married!
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    Creating Websites - help needed

    I know of a few people on another forum who may be able to help if nothing crops up in the meantime. I'll tell them what you are requiring and hopefully they should be able to assist. Sue, I’ve been recommended: Information given is this costs about £6 per...
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    The White Admiral

    He appears reasonably well bred and is no doubt striking. I'd love him to do well. Huge thanks to all for your help. And thanks for the link also, I'm currently mooching through turfpix.