Search results

  1. And

    Clare Balding

    I liked the old-style commentaries of watching horses round the parade ring and on the way down to post. You managed to get a glimpse of every animal, usually with an informed comment on each one. Or is "informed comment" too much to expect now? For my mind, there has never been a better female...
  2. And

    Royal Ascot - Highs and Lows

    FAREER for me - to have an interest in a runner in a big race through the personal connection of a social networking site was a thrill. But to see him win! Unforgettable. It goes without saying that seeing YEATS win was totally thrilling, how often do we witness history being made? What a...
  3. And

    Great Leighs Opens At Last ?

    My sister has a place near Ffos Las, you can get there in ninety minutes or so from Cardiff, given a clear run on the M4.
  4. And

    Departures 2009

    Sorry Gazella, no. I've been mulling over whether or not I wanted to watch any summer jumps given the high level of injuries lately. I then saw that Chris Grant's NGONG HILLS was running at Wetherby and favourite, so thought I'd risk it and watched the replay, having carefully avoided the...
  5. And

    The BHA - all you ever wanted to know

    I grew up on a street that faced public parkland and just about every house in the street owned a dog at some stage. Blackie and Rex (both male) were regularly to be seen having fun on the fields (Rex always dominant). Those not in the know would request buckets of water for the "mating" pair...
  6. And

    A Late April Fools?

    So if they go through with this stunt and a horse goes apesh*t on the track with catastrophic results, who carries the can? If I'd entered a horse in the race and it was then announced that this stunt was to take place I'd be fuming. Who can possibly predict how any horse will react given that...
  7. And

    Great Leighs Opens At Last ?

    That is a shame. Fingers firmly crossed for Ffos Las.
  8. And

    Clare Balding

    I just about held the tears back when I heard this on the radio. I rate Claire as quite simply one of our best new-ish broadcast journalists. It was so ironic she was castigated for unkind comments at the National when in hours of her Paralympic commentary I never heard a single faux-pas. I've...
  9. And

    Guineas & Lockinge amongst others...

    I clicked on your Flickr link GS, I loved the pics, but particularly the three sepia or b/w architectural ones, ironically. I've seen far worse win prizes.
  10. And

    Danielle Lloyd - Beaten up outside nightclub (NSFW)

    The horrible thought has occurred that the reason she is lying on the ground outside the club is that the lighting inside the club wasn't good enough for photos. Also, it's possible that she went to walk outside without realising how badly injured she was, then collapsed. I hope Danielle is...
  11. And

    Best Thing Ever (Possibly)

    I love the composer tool. What a great find, I just wrote my first-ever piece of ambient music! Thank you, Gareth. I couldn't find the killer whale on your game Kri. Ah well.
  12. And

    Vertically Integrated?

    I had to resign from my first two jobs because I was moving from the area (I had five official addresses in one calendar year!) and I've never resigned since. I've been made redundant once because the funding for my job with a charity ran out and more couldn't be secured. That wasn't nice.
  13. And

    Tschiffely, Crollo or Morgan?

    I've waxed lyrical about Jump for Joy with Kri elsewhere- I had that book out of the library goodness knows how many times. I hadn't realised that there were Christian books with a pony theme- I would have loved one of those as a Sunday School prize. Looking on my bookshelves, I still have a...
  14. And

    Books To Recommend ?

    I found The Book Thief gripping - and in its way, it is about Holocaust survival inasmuch as one of the characters is trying to avoid capture and deportation to the death camps. I've just ordered Charlie Brooks' Citizen from Amazon - it has some very good reviews, four stars overall, so...
  15. And

    Beetroot with Orange Sauce

    Aldi do a very nice own-label line in vegetable crisps. I'm thinking of doing my own - I have a slicer slot on my 47 year old grater that makes perfect crisps/Rosti slices. (The grater is ex MOD married quarters issue and dated 1962, which is how I know. I also have a 54 year old carving knife.)
  16. And

    The Aquarids

    Give it time and it no doubt will be, a quick Google has just informed me that a band called Total Eclipse recorded a CD titled Delta Aquarids, almost there...
  17. And

    Councils for you!

    My jaw dropped in horror there, couldn't think how I had upset you, Shadz, then I realised - that was in response to #7 ...
  18. And

    Wind Farm

    Whilst I love much of the Co. Durham scenery, you can't eat a view, as they say. Britain is the windiest country in Europe and I swear to God we are one of the windiest counties up here. We might as well make full use of it as a resource. There are far worse sights than wind turbines.
  19. And

    Councils for you!

    I am in full and frank agreement. There does seem to be some trip-switch when death is mentioned that garbles the brains of anyone on the other end of a phone. My friend lost her partner of 22 years very suddenly and when someone from a finance company rang a couple of days later she just...
  20. And

    Some help needed Group1 races etc

    Well done for having a go anyway - people really seem to enjoy these comps, I wish I a) knew more b) had more time and c) could trust my memory in order to participate.