Cheltenham Festival 2012: DAY 4

I sort of agree with Clive. Obviously Hurricane was never going to hit the front 3 out whatever happened. Ruby can't be blamed for that.

That said, I'm prepared to forgive him that run because he just didn't travel like he normally can. Maybe ROR is a better Cheltenham horse than Hurricane Fly, but Overturn shouldn't be. Anyway, let's just hope the relevant horses all come back safe and sound, and we can find out again.

Not sure what to make of Boston Bob really. He was still close enough two out, but perhaps used a lot of energy getting into that position. I'm still looking forward to seeing him jumping a fence.

But Cheltenham form is Cheltenham form. Look at how SDC powered up the hill from an impossible position in the Martin Pipe last year. A lower grade race, of course, but you like to see a horse do that at Cheltenham and he did it again the other day. He's got a real chance of being something special. Do you still think he's slow, Hamm?
What A Friend has to be a bet here today don't you think?

A very class animal who stays up the hill well and excellent trier at Grade 1 level here and shouldn't be out of it by any chance given Long Run could be averaging out as what we know him to be, Kauto Star getting on and doesn't find this race the easiest at times..
Comments from Dave G the other day persuaded me to back BB when price of Mount Benbulben began to drift and put me off that one. Hopefully that having stopped the flow of my cash to the bookies also means fortune has changed. Cheers Dave!
Imagine if you had a Gold Cup horse but somehow didn't realise it and instead of having him in the RSA in 2010 you enter him in the Midlands National instead. Surely our opinions on a horse can simply be made via the races he contests as much as the way he runs and jumps. Synchronised didn't look like a mudlark at Leopardstown that's for sure. Can someone put me off backing him as my possie in the race is appalling?

Sure, he won well at Leopardstown, but that was a non-event in Gold Cup terms, with the 2nd needing slower ground and the third 4m+.
All his previous form points to him needing slower/further to be at his best, and while he got away with it in a poor gd1 lto, he's unlikely to be anywhere near good enough, on this ground and at this level.
Granger I have now broken a rule that i never back when i want it to win rather than think it will win. So had a little on. This horse has continually torn up every rule in the book.

I really dont see beyond the first two. Agree with euro re Synch. A gold cup potential horse really going for those races?
When the pace hotted up a tad. They didn't go that fast early doors - MB pulled for his head a bit- and he should have been amongst the pace setters then, or at least not far behind.

Mount Benbulben was way too free...shite campaigning from Elliot and all those "clever" trainers who come to Cheltenham fresh not having a run in 2012. He looked more of a speed horse today but hard to know.

Ruby should have definitely sat closer to the lead - he jumped off in that position - way too far back. You cannot give those horse 15 lenght starts.
and they are not winning from the back this week are they?

Fine ride. But Euro is right. If this was a GC horse, what was JJ doing running him in the races he did