Cheltenham Festival: Preview Nights

Can I put in a plug for one of these events being held at Ton Pentre Football Club on Monday March 1st. at 7.30.

The panel is made up of Dickie Johnson, Rhys Flint, Tom O'Brien (you'll notice a theme there, Ruby couldn't make it so Dickie kindly set up the other two), Tim Vaughan and Matt Williams.

Proceeds go to the Rhondda Branch of Riding For The Disabled.
I was at one the other night in Monaghan. Hezz joined me for a while, but couldnt hack the pace..

Havent time for a real indepth report, but in short.

Matt Chapman done the hosting, works very well in this role, had some great banter with Oliver Brady whos charity the night was in aid of. (Incidentally, Ollie has raised close to €500,000 for charity in the last 12 months for charities in Ireland and Kenya, a great man.)

Panelists, Oliver Brady, Dermot Weld, Dessie Mc Donagh, Frank Berry, Paddy Power, Tony Martin, Davy Russell, Dave Keena(Journo), Don Mc Clean (American Pie), John Cullen, and late arrivals, Christian Williams and Graham Bradley.

All in all, the main points are as follows. Weld thinks Rite of Passage is a very very good horse and will take all the beating. Will love Cheltenham etc etc. Didnt put anyone off backing him. In the bumper, likes them both, ground dependent on their chances, both will probably run anyways, Elegent needs good, Hidden likes soft. That was basically all to report from Weld.

Davy Russell is always good at these, and was the best by a mile for talking racing. He said he wasnt too sure on weapons amnesty, a bit slow mentally and not the best jumper. I think it was him that said Noel Fehily was absolutely sick about missing out on the ride on Weird Al (race someone please, havent time..) One horse that came up a few times, from Davy and then Shark Hanlon who was in attendance and was given a charity bet was Drumbaloo of JJ Lambes for the bumper. Very positive word on its ability. Davy was very impressed with Rite of passage when it beat him before. Davy had a good things to say about Tranquil Sea, and put this up as his Charity Bet.

They made three phone calls on the night, had them on the speakers, Firstly to Michael O Leary. Really likes Carlito Brigante, only other positive from anyone on the triumph was for the O Grady horse, Ailaivan or something. He said Grey Soldier is highly thought of and that paid compliment to Rite of Passage, but wont go to Chelt. War of Attrition, Stayers then swansong at Punch. There for the spin!!

Next Call to Willie. Positive news on Cooldine. Bradley said hedbeen on same flight as Ruby and he said Cooldine wouldnt be out of places. Mullins keen to stress he wouldnt be ruling out Quel Esprit as a big contender either. Enterpirse Park mentioned as one of his better hurdlers too. Gave a nice mention to Blackstairsmountain at a price.

Final call to Paul Nicholls, Rivilleuz or whatever its called for the Jewson, he has it in the post today anyways.That was basically all from him.

For the most part, the rest of the panel gave little opinion on anything. All in the opinion that Kuato was a good thing.

Someone like Karabak, think Berry said he was in good form. The champion hurdle, Davy said he like Solwhit, didnt rave about him, thinks its very competitive. Someone said Geraghty was very sweet on Punjabi. Most of them were ruling last years champion as a very poor one. Go Native was a popular pick amongst them.

When Christian Williams and Graham Bradley arrived, Williams said he thought Denman has never quite got over the Gold Cup 2 yrs ago. Didnt give off good vibes.

Bradley was very good when he spoke. Was against the theory that you need a 2 and a half miler for champion, thought that Go Native would pounce. He was very very positive on Long Run, thinks its a machine.

Frank Berrys charity bets, were half on Belvano and half on Lami. He stressed that Lami had a breathing op and that he was flying at the minute. Has Garde to beat but in fine fettle. Sunnyhill Boy go well ew in the Jewson.

Tony Martin gave us a yawn. That is all. Actually, thats unfair, he gave us several.

Charity Bets.

Dermot Weld Rite Of Passage

Graham Bradly Long Run

Tony Martin Whiteoak and Silver Birch ew in the Cross Country

John Cullen Premier Victory ew in the Albert Bartlett

Davy Russell Kalahari King and Tranquil Sea

Christian Williams Quevega and Tell Masini

Frank Berry Bellvano and Lami

Dessie Mc Donagh Punchestowns and Carlito Brigante

Matt Chapman Elegant Concorde

Don Mc Clean Captain Cee Bee

Dave Keena...Went for the Fenton Bumper horse, seemed sweet on it ew

Oliver Brady Takestan in the County Hurdle

Shark Hanlon Drumbaloo
Nice review del boy. FWIW my recollections (that del boy hasn’t mentioned):

When talking about the RSA Dermot Weld was of the opinion that Punchestowns was not to be opposed. Willie Mullins Charity Bet was on Quel Esprit in the Neptune, seemed pretty sweet on him. Davy Russell was very positive about Peddlers Cross in the Neptune. Michael O’Leary’s charity bet was on Pandorama. Chapoturgeon was talked about by several of the panel as one that could prove a big price in The Ryanair if back to form.

I could only stay for half of it and missed Frank Berry talking about the cross country, but am I right in saying that he put L’Ami up as his charity bet last year as well?? Not sure I’d be taking much out of what he says to be honest.

The main features i'd be taking out of it would be:

Graham Bradley very sweet on Long Run and Go Native,
Willie Mullins very sweet on Quel Esprit,
Everyting Davy Russell had to say – Kalahari King, Tranquil Sea in particular.

All are only “opinions” of course. Take what you need, DUMP the rest!!
Transcript of the preview at Exeter from Weatherbys

The panel consisted of:

Paul Nicholls (PN), Andrew King (AK), David Pipe (DP), Harry Findlay (HF), Phillip Hobbs (PH), Paddy Power (PP) and hosted by Zoey Bird (ZB)

There was also input from Nick Williams (NW), trainer of Diamond Harry and Reve De Sivola, who was in the audience.

Supreme Novices

ZB: We’ll start with the Supreme Novices and obviously Dunguib is the strong favourite and looks a sure thing at the prices.

PP: Yeah, he is very short and looks unbeatable.

HF: I will be backing him. Last year’s bumper was competitive and I have never seen a run like it, all his form has been franked. The Arabs should buy him for the flat with his speed. He looks the real deal to me.

PH: Menorah is decent but I can’t say whether he’s good enough for Dunguib. However, its always worth taking on.

PN: Ghizao won’t run. Pepe Simo most likely and he has an outside chance.

DP: Dan Breen impressed last time and put up a very good show at Doncaster. I’m very impressed with his jumping and he has an outside squeak. Get Me Out Of Here has looked impressive and if he goes he has an each-way chance.

AK: Get Me Out Of Here is the value bet other than the favourite. Short priced favourites are not everyone’s cup of tea and Menorah is a lot better than the showing on Saturday.


ZB: We move onto the Arkle, the prices Paddy?

PP: The Irish have really got stuck into Dunguib and will be looking to lump those winnings onto Captain Cee Bee. Although I believe him to be falsely shorter than Sizing Europe.

AK: Captain Cee Bee for me although both of the top two in the betting cannot really be fancied. It would be nice for Somersby to win for Henrietta Knight and has a good chance.

HF: I’m finding it hard to price up Somersby. Captain Cee Bee would have beat Sizing Europe if he had not fallen when they met last time. Long Run could end up here which would be interesting.

ZB: Paul, you have Tataniano here.

PN: Yes, he travelled really well last time but made a mistake at the last and has now been dismissed for the race it seems. I slightly regret running him at Newbury. He is a decent ground horse but his form has not really worked out. Somersby is nice but the form isn’t great. This looks a really open race to me. Woolcombe Folly is a big price as he has the speed and jumps well. Ruby has not decided who he will be on yet. The Nightingale will probably have to wait for Aintree.

ZB: What about Riverside Theatre?

HF: No big opinion for me but I don’t like Osana.

Champion Hurdle

ZB: Prices Paddy?

PP: Yeah (goes through prices), we also have Dunguib at 3/1 with a run, but thats only a 10% chance.

ZB: What does Go Native have to do to be favourite?

HF: It depends on the ground for me. If the ground is good Go Native will be favourite. Solwhit has had a hard season so others look a better option but Dunguib tempts me as it looks a weak race.

ZB: Does Medermit have enough.

AK: No. If the ground is good Starluck has to have a chance each-way for me. It looks an open race.

ZB: How is Celestial Halo Paul?

PN: He loves Cheltenham and it brings out the best in him but we are hoping for better ground. He has come into his coat and looks fabulous. I maybe regret running him at Leopardstown now. Apart from Go Native and Solwhit it looks very open and Khyber Kim may have a chance.

Audience: How do you rate Punjabis chance considering he won what looked a better race last year?

HF: You just need to see Nicky Henderson’s face after last year’s win; he looked so surprised he was fit to burst! The form hasn’t really worked out and has taken a bit of a battering.

Neptune Investments

ZB: Any money for the Neptune Investments Paddy?

PP: Rite Of Passage has been well supported.

ZB: Were you on Rite Of Passage last year Harry?

HF: Yes, only small. His jumping is a concern and Finians Rainbow may be the best bet at the prices. I don’t fancy Reve De Sivola.

AK: I disagree with Harry, I think Sivola has a very good chance and this has always been his trip. I cannot see him being out of the top three.

NW: He has an each-way chance. He has not progressed a huge amount from last year and will need to improve.

ZB: He looks a solid each-way option. What about Peddlers Cross?

HF: No opinion.

AK: Same for me so onto Paddy!

PP: He looks to have a good chance in my book.

PN: Najaf won’t be running. May try Ghizao here as the trip is ideal and he would have an each-way chance.

DP: I have three entered but the only one I may run is The Package. He wouldn’t mind the ground and stays forever. He has to improve on official ratings and is not the easiest to get right.


ZB: Onto the RSA.

PP: We have taken money today for Long Run.

PH: Punchestowns has looked good and has a great chance. It looks between the two Henderson horses for me.

AK: Long Run’s jumping looks suspect to me and that’s a worry around Cheltenham. Although it’s a no bet race for me, Punchestowns looks solid and would be my choice.

HF: I nearly bought Long Run, there seemed to be many problems and I have no idea how it fell apart. He has a real engine and for me he will be a Gold Cup horse in two years. He is a three miler already and could go for the Arkle. Bensalem looks to have had his tactics all wrong this seasons and therefore I cannot have Diamond Harry as Bensalem should have beat him. The front two in the betting look classy. The worry with the jockey for Long Run is the reason he is not shorter.

NW: Long Run’s run in the Feltham is one of the best runs I have ever seen from a novice. Punchestowns made a meal of beating Paul’s horse (Tchico Polos). Pandorama can’t be left out and looks rock solid. Diamond Harry was great at Haydock but disappointed at Newbury and I agree with Harry about Bensalem.

PN: There is no doubt Long Run is the best horse and I thought he jumped ok at Warwick. I’m not convinced Punchestowns is a total stayer after McCoy said he is like a two and half miler. Slight possibility I will run The Nightingale if impressive on Saturday.

PP: Pandorama is big price. The trainer of Weapons Amnesty had a charity bet and put it on Pandorama.

ZB: I don’t think we have seen the best of Pandorama left handed.

Champion Chase

ZB: Paul, I think we will start with you and Master Minded.

PN: He is now as well as he was two years ago and is capable of a similar victory. He was not right for last year’s run and I was never happy with him until we found he had problems with his ribs. He had six weeks off after that and was only walking until the 6th Jan. I only ran him to see if the spark was back and he looked fantastic. Twists’ form actually gave Ruby a headache (he is Rubys’ main fear) but after his last run he has a fantastic chance again. Kalahari King has a big gap to make up to catch Twist Magic and Master Minded.

ZB: Twist Magic has a bit of a mind of his own.

PN: Yes, he dropped Sam twice last year on the way down to the track. Even so Master Minded has that extra class.

PP: The Irish are interested in Big Zeb and if he stands up he could be the one to take it to Master Minded.

HF: I’m very convinced by Master Minded after what Ruby Walsh said on Saturday and you would be to. He looked very good and Ruby was very bullish about him afterwards. His prices makes him a bet.

DP: I agree, it was not a great race at Newbury but he will win. Well Chief has had a break and is good fresh at Cheltenham. Although not as good as before he is still a fantastic horse. He never lets us down and if he lines up I doubt he will again.

AK: Master Minded will probably win. Twist Magic’s Cheltenham form is moderate at best. Kalahari King’s form from Doncaster doesn’t really stand up and he is no way near Master Minded.

Champion Bumper

ZB: Obviously, we are not sure of runner as not everything has been entered. Paul shall we start with Al Ferof?

PN: Yes, the Champion Bumper is the intention. Won well at Newbury but he is a stayer and the plan is for him to go chasing in the future. He likes a bit of cut in the ground as he has tons of stamina so he has a place chance. If the ground is very dry he may not run.

PP: Day Of A Lifetime has been impressive but Dermot Weld holds the key here and has a very good chance with Elegant Concorde and is very good on good ground.

ZB: Dunraven Storm Phillip?

PH: He was going to run at Ascot but it was too soft. Dare Me has bolted up in both starts and both are nice horses but the bumper looks very tough.

HF: Mullins sold Day Of A Lifetime to his top owner so he thinks a lot of him. There isn’t as much hype this year about his bumpers though and seems most excited about his novice hurdlers.

Pertemps Final

ZB: The Pertemps looks fairly tricky and is hard to work out with no set prices. Alfie Sherron has a big reputation already Harry?

HF: He is really impressive to the eye and looks like a rocket. Paul has done really well with him as he is hard to train. He has a 12lb penalty from his last win but the form has been franked. He could potentially be anything.

PN: He’s hard because he struggles with his knees. Has gone lame after two wins but we’ve kicked on and has a good chance despite the penalty.

DP: We were second here last year with Buena Vista who is off the same mark but wants good ground. We also have Our Vic who could be interesting. Although the World Hurdle is more likely, Mr Thriller would have a decent chance.

ZB: Fair Along?

PH: Probably going for the World Hurdle but his last run wasn’t great.


ZB: The Ryanair next and this looks very difficult to work out.

PP: Poquelin is a popular favourite.

ZB: Should Tranquil Sea be favourite?

PN: If the ground if soft then yes, Tranquil will be favourite. Poquelin is ground dependent and the new ground on Thursday should be good enough which is helpful. Has run well of late despite the ground being against him. We will have to see the weights before deciding on Chapoturgeon but a handicap is likely.

ZB: Barbers Shop?

AK: This is his trip and has a good chance. Planet Of Sound for me also has a great chance. Hopefully his confidence has been repaired from Saturday.

PH: I’ve no idea if his confidence is back and he can’t walk!

AK: Thanks for telling me that.

PH: He’s a good horse but may like a longer trip and is still inexperienced.

DP: Our Vic has a chance is the ground is soft. He has won twice this year and although I cannot say he is better than ever at twelve years old he is a still a good horse.

HF: I like Poquelin but it is very ground dependent.

World Hurdle

ZB: Onto the World Hurdle Paddy.

PP: Yes, Big Bucks dominates the betting and is the banker for many. Cousin Vinny has also been backed.

ZB: Big Bucks has proven you can’t rule out horses that revert back to hurdles after a stint over fences.

PN: Yes. He would have been a Gold Cup horse is he continued over fences. Ruby is very happy with him and will be hard to beat.

HF: Not nice for me and Denman but the two horses Paul has known all along what the plan would be are Kauto Star and Big Bucks and both look great.

AK: The rest are only playing for places really. Karabak did well last year but what has happened recently?

ZB: Any others?

HF: I make Tidal Bay second favourite and would back him in a match bet over Karabak.

ZB: He seems a bit of a shirker though.

HF: He’s won a lot of races for a shirker!

DP: Mr Thriller is a big price and maybe has each-way value.

ZB: Any questions?

Audience: What about Chapoturgeon going for the Grand Annual?

PN: Yes, he has an entry but we need to see the weights first. We don’t want him top weighted.

Audience: Obviously there have been a lot of problems with the weather and trainers up north have had a mountain of problems. Does it really make a difference?

PN: Well hopefully the snow stays up north and we will be happy! It does make a difference but it also depends on the facilities available. Obviously it is great to have an all weather gallop.

Audience: Is Voy Por Ustedes a big price?

HF: I can’t have him at any price. Not at all.

Triumph Hurdle

ZB: Flat experience is important and Advisor looked good Paul.

PN: Yes, we have had a lot of fun with him. The form doesn’t always stand up with juveniles but he has all the attributes for this contest and has many similarities to Celestial Halo. I’m hopeful of a big run.

PP: Carlito Brigante should be shorter.

HF: I agree, he is hard to keep out and shouldn’t be out of the top five.

PN: Pistol Noir may fun for us but he hasn’t been jumping that well and can be timid which is a negative in a race like this, he is one for the future.

NW: Flat experience is a must and I agree with Paul the horse needs to be tough. It is a large field in a quick race.

DP: Notus De La Tour has only run once over here but has impressed me. Unlike most French horses he has settled well and is very straight forward. He sprints all the way and even on bad ground. He is one we like and has one of the best chances of all our runners at the meeting.

ZB: Mille Chief Andrew?

AK: I have backed him as the race is not living up to its star billing. He has done everything he has been asked for and has a great chance.

Albert Bartlett

PP: Looks a very open race and we are not sure on the line up.

AK: Tell Massini has solid form and deserves to be favourite. He has not been seen since December but has had a gallop and from what I’ve seen has a great chance.

HF: No opinion for me. Maybe Silver Kate.

PP: Enterprise Park at 10/1 is a big price and Shamrock Paddy is a good horse with a definite chance.

AK: The Betchworth Kid does not have enough and can’t compete with Tell Massini who has the form in the book.

PN: River DOr is unlikely to run and may go for the Martin Pipe race. Najaf has improved for last run and is intended for the race.

Gold Cup

ZB: This race needs to introduction and has given us a real treat the last few years. Paul you could have the first six home!

PN: That won’t happen as only five are running! What A Friend will look to Aintree or Punchestown.

ZB: All the vibes or right for Kauto.

PN: Yes, he showed great form at Kempton. We left him short for Haydock and he improved for the run. He looks fantastic and I fell his run at Kempton was one of his best ever. Ruby Schooled Denman and he is ok. I’m not too worried about the mistake last time and he is looking great now. If you had seen him before the Hennessy you wouldn’t have though he could win an egg and spoon race! Both are exactly where we want them, we are winding Denman up for the day whereas Kauto is just ticking over. I can’t believe people are writing off Denman, he was giving What A Friend 22lbs in the Hennessy who then went on to win a Grade 1. If Kauto is at his best it will take a lot to beat him but Denman is the one horse to do that. Cooldine has mountain to climb for me and for me Tricky Trickster and Taranis could put up a solid fight.

ZB: Are they hard words to hear Harry?

HF: No, I’ve been to see them both and as a short priced punter I would like Kauto. He has done punters well in the past. This is the first year he has only had two races for his prep and he looks fantastic, I will be amazed he if he is not at his best. Denman is a real character and Paul has done a great job with him. I’m confident he would have won without the mistakes at Newbury. McCoy is coming down once more and we may try blinkers but because of his character that could go either way. I’m just hopeful of a great race.

PP: Just looking and Cooldine is favourite without the big two.

HF: If he is, lay that all day long. If Cooldine is the best horse behind Kauto and Denman I’ll get a day job. The RSA turned out to be a terrible race last year. Tricky Trickster each-way interests me and he can stay forever whereas some of the others may struggle.

DP: We will see how Madison Du Berlais does on Saturday but it’s a two horse race and it all depends who is the healthiest on the day.

PH: The way recent events have unfolded Kauto is the obvious choice.

AK: It depends on the ground for me, if it is good (which it usually is) then Kauto but if it gets boggy then I would look elsewhere. I personally would be worried about Denmans run at Newbury.

HF: Oh yes, I think he would have still won but I was disappointed.

Coral Cup

ZB: How about the handicaps? The Coral Cup?

HF: Beshabar looks good.

ZB: I like him.

HF: Yes, all the girls like him, big chesnut. He has a good chance. He is looking towards the RSA next year. The 7lbs penalty is about right and will go novice chasing next year.

PN: Yes, we only have Beshabar.

DP: Mamlook’s Cheltenham form isn’t great but we are leaning towards this race. He is a good flat horse.

PH: Wishful Thinking is a possibility but is also entered for the Neptune. Has won all his three starts over hurdles and hopeful he could go well.


ZB: You have Rivaliste here Paul.

PN: Yes, he is the same mark as Chapoturgeon last year and is in good form.

ZB: Leo’s Lucky Star David?

DP: He’s worth a step up in trip at some stage and may go to Newbury first after the weights are out. He’s a great traveller and we were hopeful of a place at Doncaster. We don’t want the ground too soft.

Martin Pipe

ZB: David, shall we start with you?

DP: Well I don’t have as many as last year but still enough. Its one race i’ll probably never win! Mutual Friend would want better ground but most probably top weight after win at Cheltenham. Ashkazar is the next best.

Audience: David I wondered if you would gave a gamble in the Imperial Cup and if you could tell us the name?

DP: That was my father! We have a few and will see.

Audience: Could I have Harry’s nap and Paddy’s lay of the festival?

HF: Dunguib/Big Bucks double, but the real nap is Europe to win the Ryder Cup!

PP: Garde Champetre. Is very short and I think L’Ami and Sizing Australia could put up a good fight.

Audience: Will Denman be run as aggressive as last year Harry?

PN: Don’t tell them Harry!

HF: Last year was an incredible run from Denman in what truth was a benefit race for Kauto. Kauto has looked great recently but we will give Denman a great go.

Audience: Out of all the horses that you do not train who would you like to have now?

ZB: I think Long Run would be the joint answer.

HF: Paul should be training him!

Paddy Power then offered each panellist a £200 charity bet, their choices were:

PN: Poquelin – Ryanair

AK: Mille Chief – Triumph Hurdle

HF: Big Bucks/Master Minded/Dunguib treble

DP: Long Run (wherever running)

PH: Long Run

ZB: Finians Rainbow – Neptune Invesments
Surprised to see them so negative about Cooldine outside of the top two. Very hard to see him not be right there fighting it out for third (at the very least imo).
Surprised to see them so negative about Cooldine outside of the top two

Exactly. Who are the alternatives behind the big two other than him? Imperial Commander? Made to look good behind a Kauto Star who doesn't like Haydock. Wrong trainer as well. Like Barbers Shop in the Ryanair you just know this horse will be legless coming up the hill. No chance of a place imo. Taranis won a terrible race last time out and is the biggest bounce candidate set to run at the Festival. Cooldine is nailed on.
My worry with Cooldine is that the RSA bottomed him. I'd gladly like to be proved wrong

Cooldine is not the type of horse to be bottomed by a race like the RSA imo. He could not have had a better run last time (in the context of the horse needing the race off an unsuitable preparation) and while I would have preferred him to have another run since (he is the type to thrive on racing) I still would be really disppointed if he could not comfortably beat the likes of Tricky T and co.

I would expect Cooldine to make the same jump from this year's Leopardstown to Cheltenham as he did when stepping up on his Moriarty form to his RSA win. Whats more Finlay should take a look back at Denman's SunAlliance win in terms of form - it is not all that.
Thanks to Del Boy, Hezz and DG for the reports.

I'm inclined to agree about HF, any punter picking a treble as his big bet at a meeting like Cheltenham is nuts. That said, I agree with all he says about Dunguib and I think the other two legs of his treble ought to win, but on the law of averages one of them won't.
Swords Review sourced from below

The event went ahead at about 9:45 and did not finish up until 12:45am . There was no English coverage which was a pity but all panel and the video guy done the night for free so with the 20e Admission going to various charities in was just about worth it .
Gordon Elliot did not have much to say on the races and PP had someone on the panel but did not give out any free bets to the public but did give Charties bets to the panel .

Gary O’Brien was a good MC and Kevin O’Ryan did a great job and was the heart and soul of the night. Will Lattimore seemed a shrewd judge.
Gordon Elliot = GE
Robbie Power = RP
Franny Woods = FW
Kevin O’Ryan ( Jockeys Agent & ATR) = KR
Will Lattimore(ATR) = WL
Paul Paddy Powers = PP
Gary O’Brien = GB

Supreme Novice Hurdle
GE – Dunguib class horse , Jumping a worry but if he stands up he wins.
RP= Dunguib Wins , Blackstairs Mountain ew chance.
FW = Dunguib should win but Oscar Whiskey a good ew bet.
KR = Dunguib will love better ground and will win.
WL = Dunguib Wins but Menorah w/o looks a great bet.

GB = Had a good anti post on Captain Cee Bee but thinks Sportsline is now the ew Value
PP = CCB is a poor jumper and Sportsline is a huge ew price at 12/1
GE = Osana EW
RP= CCB is a lot better than Sizing Europe , Somersby is a big danger to the Irish runners but overall Sizing Europe is a major lay
FW = CCB wins , has course form and will love the ground
KR = Hen Knight is a shit trainer and Boy George could of trained Best mate so he cant back Somersby , Sizing Europe is the class act in the field and should be winning.
WL = Somersby is a great jumper and won the best trail for the race and is a massive price at 6/1.

Champion Hurdle
PP = Medermit and Sublimity EW
GE = Starluck EW
RP = Solwhit is a bit lazy but got a great engine , Go native is a bridle horse and cant win . Zaynar is a huge price now and with Blinkers should be fav.
FW = Go native should win , but has been backing sublimity ew and huge prices
KR = Between Go NAtive and Solwhit went for Go native
WL = No front runner in the race which is a huge issue , Celestial Halo will go from the front with Ruby up and will take all the beating.

Cross Country
GE = Silver birch wont get into the NAtional so this is his gold cup and will be there trying its best.

Mares Hurdle
Just quick runa round and all the guys went for Voller de Veddet for Colm Murphy

Neptune Novice hurdle
GE = Peddlers cross has a great chance and his mate Jason McGuire think the world of the horse.
GB = Quiel Esprit is his fancy and was chatting Ted Walsh about race and he also fancies Quiel Esprit
PP= Wide open Finnians rainbow ew
RP – Summit Surge is a huge price and will go very close he will ride it.
KR = Rite of Passage to win on his way to running in the Melbourne Cup next Autumn
FW = RoP wont win and peddlers cross ew
WL= RoP cant jump and wont be sited Queil Esprit is a huge price

RSA Chase
PP = Seen Mickeal Dhaugnet school amazingly over fences on tuesday and looked like a superstar and will run on Sunday. Will be about 4/1 not the 14s now if he wins.
GB – Unceatheir mor is a big price ew
GE = Punchestown should win
RP = Fancies Punchestown
KR = Be very surprised if MD runs the bounce factor would be a huge worry if he did fancies Punchestown.
WL = Huge value in Weapons Amnesty has ran five times over fences which wil be a huge help compared to a lot of his rivals who have only ran once or twice.

Champion Chase
Everyone said Master minded was a cert and Big Zeb will probably Fall
WL = Kalahari King W/o Master Minded was a good punt
GE = Agreed With Will About Kalahairi

Cheltenham Bumper
KR = thinks Hidden Universe will be the weld runner , but even though he is Pat Smullens agent he think its crazy having flat jockeys riding in the race.
They all went for Al Ferof stating that Day of a life time was by far the best Mullins horse this year. but was a race to leave alone.
KR = Said he would not not back tavern times cause it was a pig of a thing like its owner DR
RP = Weld wont win becuase if he does not know which of his two is the best , both of them are probably only average.

RP – barbers Shop has been running in top class races adn should be winning
FW = Voy por has to have a great chance and is a huge price
WL = Voy por is one of the bets of the meeting at the price
KR – tranquil Sea small ew
GB – J’Vole ew
GE = Tranquil Sea EW

World Hurdle
They all said Big Bucks wins and War Of Attrition a solid ew bet at 33/1
KR – Cousin Vinny is a solid ew bet in a poor race outside the fav , Tidal bay is a cert to be placed
GB- Sentry Duty ew

Coral Cup
WL – Noble price will go very close for Paul Nolan
RP – rides Prince erik and should get a place

FW – The package will go very close to winning

Triumph hurdle
GE – Carlito is in great form and should take a lot of beating .
FW – Didnt like race hope GE should of won.
RP – Alavan should win
KB – Don’t like Pettoni Alavan is the best of the Irish with Mille Chief best of the English

Cheltenham Gold Cup
They all said Denman has no chance and only won hennessy because of Ruby and he might fall, Kauto will win on the bridle.
GE – Imperial Commander to be second to Kauto

Albert Bartlet
RP – Shinrock paddy will go very close
Wl – Enterprise Park is worth a decent bet

Charity bets
WL – 100 ew Celestial Halo 16/1
KR – 100 ew Tidal Bay 10/1
PP – 100ew Restless Harry
FW- 200 Captain Cee Bee
GE – 100 ew Silver birch at 33/1 to finish in first five – PP guy gave it to him after a few min.
RP – 100 ew War of Attrition @ 33/1
Gb – 100 ew Quiel Esprit 12/1
Last edited:
Leopardstown Preview......


Gary O’Brien (GOB) – attheraces

Matt Chapman (MC) – attheraces

John Hackett (JH) – Hackett Bookmakers

Davy Russell (DR) – jockey

Tony Mullins (TM) – trainer

Johnny Ward (JW) – Irish journalist

Christian Williams (CW) – jockey

Kevin O’Ryan – Jockey agent

A good crowd was in attendance for what must have been the longest preview night I’ve ever attended! The atmosphere was good though and the banter between MC and DR was top class.

The format of the evening was to cover the hurdle races and then move on to the chases.

Supreme Novices’

GOB: Is Dunguib beatable?

JH: Yeah sure, impressive so far but jumping is a question mark, tough to beat though. Menorah e/w for me.

MC: Dunguib is a certainty, should be 1/2 in my book, 5/6 is massive. Menorah is a nutcase, Get Me Out Of Here is promising but I think Bellvano is the best McManus runner. Just get Dunguib in the Champion Hurdle, Sea The Stars of the jumps world.

KOR: Dunguib is a certainty but why Champion Hurdle?

MC: Champion would be run perfectly to suit.

DR: Dunguib wouldn’t get involved in the Champion this year; would finish 8th. Honestly he wouldn’t live in it, don’t know why we’re evening talking about it.

TM: Dunguib will win half he track, 5/6 unreal price, certainty of meeting, no one will get him off the bridle, most exciting horse I’ve ever seen.

JW: His jumping isn’t an issue, never looked like falling, 1/4 in my book.

Neptune Hurdle

GOB: Some Present, Davy?

DR: Very good horse but Dunguib beating him has hurt his confidence, Rite Of Passage is a big problem for us. Irish better than the English.

GOB: 3/1 ok for Rite Of Passage?

DR: Standout out novice, bar Dunguib, Dermot Weld is crazy about him, future Melbourne Cup winner.

TM: Big fan of him but looks more a flat horse to me. His best performance to date was on the level in the November Handicap. Looks a poor race this one actually, I’ll arrive late and miss it! Form is all mixed up and Weld hasn’t had a Cheltenham winner for 20 odd years.

JW: I wouldn’t back him @ 3s and I prefer Quantitativeeasing @ 16s.

KOR: I like Rite Of Passage, impressed me no end and will be hard beat. Jumps well and is solid. Quel Esprit e/w if he runs here.

MC: Weld just uses Cheltenham to get ready for Galway, we all know that! I’m nor convinced by Rite Of Passage, not sure he’s quite good enough. Reve De Sivola not a sexy horse but is already a Grade 1 winner.

JH: Peddlers Cross has been well supported and I’m happy to lay the favourite.

CW: Favourite will take the beating but Reve De Sivola is the best of the British.

Albert Bartlett

GOB: What about the Iirsh?

JW: Quel Esprit if he goes for it has a big chance. Shinrock Paddy is ok too.

CW: Tell Massini, I rode him in work the other day and was impressive. He’ll be hard to beat.

TM: Hope Shinrock is, he’s a good horse with a chance. Quel Esprit though he goes for it. Enterprise Park is a very good horse though and is improving fast.

DR: Competitve race, Tell Massini is good, Shinrock is class but stamina is a worry for him. Enterprise Park is interesting.

KOR: Big fan of Quel Esprit and this 3m would really suit him.

MC: Not a good ante-post race as no one really knows who’s going for it. Quel Esprit must be better than we’ve seen seeing as how much Willie Mullins goes on about him. Najaf is the interesting one though.

CW: Najaf will be better next year in my opinion.

JH: Enterprise Park is the interesting one for money.

Triumph Hurdle

GOB: Mile Chief now doubtfull.

DR: Hard to assess. Carlito Brigante has done nothing wrong, but he works terribly at home, so its hard to figure him out. Don’t take his beating of Alavian seriously, and Alavian is probably the one to beat.

TM: All of these have been beating each other, so I think they are all useless.

DR: I’ve heard good things about Super Kenny from Nicky Henderson’s yard.

JW: The Irish are strong. Not Carlito nor Alavian but Secant Star is the one to beat.

CW: English horses are poor, the Irish will win it. Alan King loves Mille Chief, but I can’t have him.

KOR: Alavian worthy favourite and hard to beat. He is slowly getting the hand of things and is a different class.

JH: Most money for Secant Star, although Super Kenny is interesting and has been nibbled at.

Champion Bumper

GOB: Tavern Times?

DR: Very nice horse. His Tuesday morning work will decide if he runs or not. The bumpers this year are hard to judge.

TM: Day of a Lifetime is the best of Willie Mullins’ gang. It is so hard to judge bumpers in Ireland now; using inside tracks are no good. Al Ferof is a very good horse. He is an improver and is tough.

JW: Really like Shot from the Hip, and I’m not too keen on anything else. Ignore the hype, and follow the form.

TM: Hidden Universe has no chance. He is a 100-1 shot and it is completely impossible for him to win.

KOR: Al Farof has been impressive.

CW: I’m not Irish, so what do I know?!

World Hurdle

GOB: Is Big Bucks beatable?

CW: He’s no value, but a certainty for this. Along with Kauto Star he is the best horse in training.

JW: He’s a funny horse. He often looks in trouble but is clearly just taking the mick. Mourad for the E/W money but Tidal Bay can go well too.

TM: Big Bucks is a world apart. Tidal Bay is value though, and a good bet without the favourite. Can’t see what all the fuss is about Mourad.

DR: War of Attrition loves the track and will stay. E/W at 33s is cracking value. I’m gutted the Grand National has been ruled out BUT there is still a chance he might run.

KOR: I respect War of Attrition, but I like Tidal Bay and Cousin Vinny E/W.

MC: Big Bucks is good value, as he’s world class. Powerstation can make the frame.

Champion Hurdle:

GOB: Zaynar’s defeat has opened it all up…

DR: I have a great chance with Solwhit but I am worried about Go Native. I am slightly concerned Solwhit might lack a gear at a crucial time. I can’t fancy Zaynar, but Punjabi is not a million miles away.

CW: Go Native was maybe lucky last year at Cheltenham. Khyber Kim is the best of the English.

JW: Solwhit is an awesome bet. He just keeps improving and keeps going, and Go Native won’t hold him off up the hill.

TM: I’d love to see Go Native win and get the £1 million bonus. Zaynar should be 100-1 but Punjabi should be there again. It’s basically Solwhit V Go Native, and it’s hard to split them.

MC: Go Native is a dog. Zaynar is no good. Medermit is rubbish. Punjabi is boring and Celestial Halo is slow. Solwhit wins, and only Davy Russell can muck this up!


GOB: Big Irish challenge…

JH: We (Irish) should win this and rightly dominate. Mikael D’Haguenet taken out of betting after schooling here after racing today.

MC: Captain Cee Bee is better since his injury and having McCoy onboard will help. Market has is right. Somersby not for me.

KOR: Great training to bring back Captain Cee Bee. Somersby is a good horse but I’ not sure about Hen Knight.

DR: I’d ride Captain if I had the choice, best horse in the race. Somersby is the danger, can’t have Sports Line.

TM: Captain is the class horse. Clear round = certainty. Sports Line is improving and is doing better than the opinion of him in the yard.

JW: I’ve got 25s on Captain so I’m happy! Sizing Europe has no chance but Sports Line is value.

CW: I’m surprise AP (McCoy) has got off Somersby for Captain.


GOB: Pandorama is doubtful which is a real shame…

KOR: Uimhiraceathair schooled well today but he’s not good enough. Punchestowns and Long Run can fight it out.

MC: Don’t like the Irish, Punchestowns decent bet at around 7/2.

TM: Punchestowns is the class, Irish are well behind.

DR: Very tough ask for Weapons Amnesty, he’s getting better but not good enough for this.


GOB: What did you make of Tranquil Sea’s win today?

MC: Didn’t impress me, even allowing for the trip being short of his best. Don’t like Poquelin, Barber’s Shop seems so obvious. Quality animal running over his perfect trip.

KOR: I liked Tranquil Sea today actually.

JW: Me too, plenty to like about it, did nothing wrong.

TM: Barber’s Shop is class, Tranquil Sea for the Irish. Head-to-head between them.

JW: Terrible race. Is it exciting? Tranquil is solid

DR: Tranquil Sea the value bet of the meeting.

Queen Mother

GOB: Master Minded Christian?

CW: We all know how good he is but I like Kalahari King.

DR: The one odds-on favourite that is beatable, Kalahari King is a real danger. His performance at Doncaster was very impressive.

JW: MM was flattered in this 2 years ago but with question marks against all his rivals he should win again.

TM: Best ever performance I’ve seen at the Festival was his two ears ago. If Nicholls is right, and he’s back to his best, then it’s game over for the rest.

MC: Probably the greatest 2m chaser ever, nothing is in his league.

Gold Cup

GOB: Denman vs. Kauto, the main event…Cooldine schooled well today.

CW: Big Denman fan but you can’t be with him after that last run. Have we seen the best Denman since his Gold Cup win? No.

DR: I agree but he’ll be better at Cheltneham. Not sure if McCoy is the right man, Sam Thomas should have the ride.

CW: Maybe he needs blinkers now.

MC: If both horses are at their peak then Denman wins. They need to be ultra positive on him, I’d grind them into the ground.

DR: I agree, take them all on early. Sam Thomas knows the horse better than anyone.

TM: Not sure why we’re talking about this as Kauto will win! Cooline worth a second look.

JW: Denman has no chance.
They could have dragged in the most bedraggled looking punter from the nearest betting shop and he wouldn't have come out with as much shite as him

Go Native is a dog. Zaynar is no good. Medermit is rubbish. Punjabi is boring

I just can't believe someone would come out with such nonsense in public.
I'm sure he does a lot of it in order to attract attention to himself, no matter how much of a twerp he appears. Whenever he's on, it's the Matt Chapman Show, rather than a thoughtful (viz the understated but insightful Sean Boyce) look at the day's fare. His motto must be "It's all about ME!"
Davey Russell is a jock I really admire. He was very frank in his opinions and doesn't idly tip his mounts

DR: I have a great chance with Solwhit but I am worried about Go Native. I am slightly concerned Solwhit might lack a gear at a crucial time.

DR: Very tough ask for Weapons Amnesty, he’s getting better but not good enough for this.