
So a few of my views...
Yes I’m with you on the question were any countries ready? No. None of them remotely thought it was going to hit quite so catastrophically. Even though they were warned over the years that a pandemic one day would have the capacity to cripple a country. This is worse than worse case scenario.
Those countries that are supposedly coping better than others seem to have reasons? South Korea (already experienced SARS), Germany (extensive pharmaceutical industry), New Zealand (less populated)
The lack of PPE. Yes it’s troubling but presumably every country is clamouring for supplies and the manufacturers just can’t keep up. Added to that so much of this is once use, so constantly needs replacing.
Testing. OK we test to see if people have it. (NHS excepted) Then what? Fine if we can be sure these antibody tests are 100% accurate. But what if someone tests negative and hasn’t had it, I can see plenty of people then thinking they are fine to go out and about.
Im all for a tighter lockdown personally (and shooting anyone who breaks it! :lol:) My neighbours daughter visited them yesterday. Mother is a former GP and daughter is a doctor at Yeovil hospital where there have been deaths. I just don’t get why they think that’s OK? Just up the road there was a party on Friday night. On the plus side police did stop some people driving down to Devon from London at 5am, fined them and sent them home.
From what I've seen and read it's the antigen test that's important at the moment; the antibody test, when it eventually becomes reliable [although it sounds as if the S Korean [?]one is reliable] will be needed later. It's only by doing widespread antigen testing that we can see how the virus is spreading, who has had it etc etc. Countries that are doing antigen testing are the ones that seem to be controlling the pandemic better. I'm all with you regarding lockdown; I'll do it for as long as it takes if it makes for an end to this nightmare. I do worry though that I'm close to developing agoraphobia as I don't even feel comfortable doing a daily walk any more. Thankfully the dog came into season last week so I have an excuse to not walk her!
Its all very strange and speaking to friends I am stunned at some of their thoughts and opinions. Myself having lost both parents when in my early forties I now find myself the oldest in the immediate family circle ( though still only mid fifties) I have a few old uncles and aunties but haven’t see then in years. I believe we have to find the balance between giving everyone the best chance and not destroying the future of the next generations. I realise my views could be a lot different if my mum was still alive and a with it great granny who my grandson dotted on . So for me I am willing to sacrifice the next 3 months but thats were I then believe we must move on regardless of the situation. Those most at risk will have to make the decision to continue probably well into 2021 but for the majority life must move on though its going to be a different world. travel will require all types of certificates and insurances will be unaffordable for the average voyager. Employment will rise and taxes will soar and probably remain high for the foreseeable future. There are certain countries that have been praised for isolating early thus keeping infections low but in my opinion they will be more vulnerable to wave 2 and 3 and always be on edge and ready to shut up shop at the first sign of an outbreak. I have a daughter living and working in South Korea and they are walking on egg shells just waiting almost struck in limbo and afraid to just move on. So to sum up I am all for the current measures but from June some sort of normally must return or else the consequences will out weigh the benefits.
Its all very strange and speaking to friends I am stunned at some of their thoughts and opinions. Myself having lost both parents when in my early forties I now find myself the oldest in the immediate family circle ( though still only mid fifties) I have a few old uncles and aunties but haven’t see then in years. I believe we have to find the balance between giving everyone the best chance and not destroying the future of the next generations. I realise my views could be a lot different if my mum was still alive and a with it great granny who my grandson dotted on . So for me I am willing to sacrifice the next 3 months but thats were I then believe we must move on regardless of the situation. Those most at risk will have to make the decision to continue probably well into 2021 but for the majority life must move on though its going to be a different world. travel will require all types of certificates and insurances will be unaffordable for the average voyager. Employment will rise and taxes will soar and probably remain high for the foreseeable future. There are certain countries that have been praised for isolating early thus keeping infections low but in my opinion they will be more vulnerable to wave 2 and 3 and always be on edge and ready to shut up shop at the first sign of an outbreak. I have a daughter living and working in South Korea and they are walking on egg shells just waiting almost struck in limbo and afraid to just move on. So to sum up I am all for the current measures but from June some sort of normally must return or else the consequences will out weigh the benefits.

But it isn't just the old and vulnerable that are dying; I think I read that men in their forties and fifties are the ones on the ventilators with a 50% [probably less] chance of not surviving.
I'm all with you regarding lockdown; I'll do it for as long as it takes if it makes for an end to this nightmare

Same here, and it's almost certain there'll be another three-week extension, which apparently is the maximum laid down in the emergency laws that can be imposed before another review

If my outlook reflects those of the public at large then the next three weeks will be easier to cope with than the first three: I have more or less grown accustomed to this uni-dimensional existence and feel confident I'll be able to ride it out for as long as necessary without going stir crazy

...but I am fortunate, so fortunate: no children to look after; no business going to rack and ruin; no furloughed job to go back to, or not go back to; no financial concerns; not stuck in a towerblock; plenty of food; fit and healthy
I do wonder what the plan will be , not just here but globally, if in another 3 months little head way has been made re eradicating it or developing a vaccine.

You can't lock down forever otherwise you're in danger of a higher % dying due to the knock on effects of that than the % that would die of this pestilence from China.
Its all very strange and speaking to friends I am stunned at some of their thoughts and opinions. Myself having lost both parents when in my early forties I now find myself the oldest in the immediate family circle ( though still only mid fifties) I have a few old uncles and aunties but haven’t see then in years. I believe we have to find the balance between giving everyone the best chance and not destroying the future of the next generations. I realise my views could be a lot different if my mum was still alive and a with it great granny who my grandson dotted on . So for me I am willing to sacrifice the next 3 months but thats were I then believe we must move on regardless of the situation. Those most at risk will have to make the decision to continue probably well into 2021 but for the majority life must move on though its going to be a different world. travel will require all types of certificates and insurances will be unaffordable for the average voyager. Employment will rise and taxes will soar and probably remain high for the foreseeable future. There are certain countries that have been praised for isolating early thus keeping infections low but in my opinion they will be more vulnerable to wave 2 and 3 and always be on edge and ready to shut up shop at the first sign of an outbreak. I have a daughter living and working in South Korea and they are walking on egg shells just waiting almost struck in limbo and afraid to just move on. So to sum up I am all for the current measures but from June some sort of normally must return or else the consequences will out weigh the benefits.

Agree with this completely.
Same here, and it's almost certain there'll be another three-week extension, which apparently is the maximum laid down in the emergency laws that can be imposed before another review

If my outlook reflects those of the public at large then the next three weeks will be easier to cope with than the first three: I have more or less grown accustomed to this uni-dimensional existence and feel confident I'll be able to ride it out for as long as necessary without going stir crazy

...but I am fortunate, so fortunate: no children to look after; no business going to rack and ruin; no furloughed job to go back to, or not go back to; no financial concerns; not stuck in a towerblock; plenty of food; fit and healthy

I am, by nature, a bit of a loner which helps greatly. I used to fantasise about living in a smallholding in the middle of nowhere [a la Hannah Hauxwell who I am beginning to closely resemble!!] and those fantasies have returned....all I need is a cow and some chickens; oh, and a farm...
Same here, and it's almost certain there'll be another three-week extension, which apparently is the maximum laid down in the emergency laws that can be imposed before another review

If my outlook reflects those of the public at large then the next three weeks will be easier to cope with than the first three: I have more or less grown accustomed to this uni-dimensional existence and feel confident I'll be able to ride it out for as long as necessary without going stir crazy

...but I am fortunate, so fortunate: no children to look after; no business going to rack and ruin; no furloughed job to go back to, or not go back to; no financial concerns; not stuck in a towerblock; plenty of food; fit and healthy

I am, by nature, a bit of a loner which helps greatly. I used to fantasise about living in a smallholding in the middle of nowhere [a la Hannah Hauxwell who I am beginning to closely resemble!!] and those fantasies have returned....all I need is a cow and some chickens; oh, and a farm...
Ireland starts it's three week extension today. Those of us not in Dublin and with no local cases will be starting to think what is the point of all this as the weeks drag on. By week three I'd expect black market activity to have ramped up, things like hair cutting and child minding. If they try to extend past the 3 weeks then social unrest is odds on.
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Speaking of social unrest. A couple in this fine town had an argument this morning so she left the house. She returned to find all the houses valuable possessions gone including the bed, Skybox and shelves. He left on all the lights and heating It's possible this guy was psychotic before the lockdown but I've no doubt it's not helping.
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From what I gather domestic abuse hotline calls have increased a lot. I can’t begin to think how some people (both male and female) are suffering due to an abusive partner not to mention vulnerable children.
And there was a woman on the news tonight. Two children living in a miniscule bedsit. The entire area would have fitted into my sitting room. It does massively make me appreciate what I have and where I live.
From what I gather domestic abuse hotline calls have increased a lot. I can’t begin to think how some people (both male and female) are suffering due to an abusive partner not to mention vulnerable children.
And there was a woman on the news tonight. Two children living in a miniscule bedsit. The entire area would have fitted into my sitting room. It does massively make me appreciate what I have and where I live.

They really can't extend this beyond three weeks.
I think they will though. At least another if not two weeks.

That sounds about right. I guess we'll be told it could be another lockdown that will last for up to three weeks, but could be as short as one week if we all play ball.
This informative and perfectly put together thread,read the whole thread through frightening and all these deaths covered up..will never know as not admitted or even tested.. even the daily fail has it has a headline..that's how bad it is a national scandal..

The BBC is reporting that 13 residents of a County Durham care home have died of the Coronavirus. These are not included in the government's daily death figures..

No testing no hospitaliztion not in figures,they aren't even trying to help these people and then no tests and left off figures..
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As I understand things the care home casulaities are included in the IRL stats, but not yet in UK. Dores anybody know if this is so?

This shows yesterdys graph line with us just behind france but the horrendous thing is that have 4,600 care home deaths added i we have non thats just in england..

on France - UK graph...
we are 4 days behind French curve on Govts “days since 50 deaths” measure - on Day 28 12k French deaths compared to 11k for UK, so UK below French curve..

But 4,166 French deaths were in care homes, so in fact, UK (11k) wd be markedly above France (on 8k)

Also government are reprting 13% of homes have the virus,but the care home owners biggest privider says 60%, on government figures would be 2,200 homes on biggest provider 8,000 homes,the maths is simple a couple per home and you get 22,000 could well be 2,3,4,5 times bigger impossible to calculate.
My guess what will happen,absolutely nothing hidden facts tll later date,lessons will be learnt :rolleyes:
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