Equine Retirements, Long Term Injuries and Departures

My old favourite, dear old Custard the Dragon, has retired and gone to his forever home. I always had to back him along with Brian the Snail ( who’s still going…..albeit slowly…)
Rite Of Passage at INS last week, aged 19.
I met DK Weld at Cork races a few years ago and had the cheek to ask him what his thoughts were when Dunguib came upside Rite of Passage in Festival Bumper.
" Could not believe my eyes " came the answer "though subsequent events show there may have more powering Dunguib than My fellow that day "
Cracking if delicate horse with the great Dahlia an ancestor.
I thought up to the breakdown, his action looked very scratchy too. So possibly an underlying problem. Very sad...he looked so tough and genuine that day at Chester, too.
Not a thread I ever wanted to write on. Just a quick update on Suprise Package after his win at Cork yesterday. He was sore last night and it turns out he has broken his leg. I was at the stables when the vet x-rayed him. He had a 50:50 (at best) chance of racing again (a year off, at least) with an operation or be put down. I asked if he could still have some sort of life even if he couldn't race and was told that he could. It had to be an immediate decision and I couldn't think of putting him down so he is now being on operated on and we should know soon how it's gone.
Years ago I had a filly who got a nasty fracture on Christmas Eve. I had to ring the owner who was expecting her to run on Boxing Day to tell her he either had to make the decision to pts or operate and save her. Hardest call I have ever made especially as I heard his excited kids in the background when I was having this conversation. He opted (with a little pressure from me) to operate. She never ran again but went off to be rehabilitated but I lost track of her.

A few years ago I tracked her down online to a vet nurse in Essex where she still lives and I get regular updates via Facebook. She’s had multiple issues but is very much loved and I have been able to fill in the details of the original injury she suffered which has helped. She’s much loved and doing lots of showing still including in hand (not ridden) and won a class only weekend. She is in incredible condition and I feel so blessed that she’s in such a wonderful home.
Not a thread I ever wanted to write on. Just a quick update on Suprise Package after his win at Cork yesterday. He was sore last night and it turns out he has broken his leg. I was at the stables when the vet x-rayed him. He had a 50:50 (at best) chance of racing again (a year off, at least) with an operation or be put down. I asked if he could still have some sort of life even if he couldn't race and was told that he could. It had to be an immediate decision and I couldn't think of putting him down so he is now being on operated on and we should know soon how it's gone.

That’s such a calm report pd, but you must be breaking up inside. Hope all goes well.
And possibly had this fracture brewing? Was it on the opposite side to his foot problem out of interest?