Forum horse connections

Thanks for all the congrats just back now and bloody delighted. Thought it was going to be a re-run of last year when Monitor just didn't get up by a short head so nice to be on the right side of it this year. The run itself thought he travelled great and his attitude was brilliant when he was asked. Like i said in the earlier post this wasn't the whole season in this race so plenty to work on so fingers crossed he comes on a fair bit. The dream lives on. Thanks again.
You pin point two of the most impressive aspects of his victory Kauto - how he travelled and battled. Doubters of the horse could easily have labeled him as a bit of a slow boat based on what he had actually achieved and done on the track - but he looked all class today. I really was taken with him.
Well done Kauto.

Have any other forumites has a group class performer on the flat? Plenty of success with the jumpers.
Sorry I'm late with the congrats - I destroyed my mouse in a fit of fury that evening, and have just installed the latest gizmo, which is very beautiful in neon blue and pink lights. Fabulous result, Kauto, may you have many more like that to look forward to this season, especially as that's the plan.
Well done Kauto it is some felling to have a good horse on your hands we havent had much look lately with them ourselves a few we've bred in the last few years have done alright though. The best of look with him and hope everything goes according to plan and i'll be cheering him on myself