Forum horse connections

So pleased for you!!

Raisin I think is going to be entered for the novice hurdle at Exeter on Thursday. If anyone is there I’ll be the nervous one with a small child who wants to ride all the horses.

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Will be a bit wet and windy on top of Haldon Hill tomorrow. Good luck
Not bloody wet enough - it’s been monsooning in Devon for the last three weeks ( as you probably noticed too!) yet they are still giving it as good, good to firm in places. [emoji2962][emoji2962][emoji2962][emoji2962]

thankyou - fingers crossed he doesn’t run like the 200-1 shot they have him down as, I could do with that money too [emoji23]

At least he can’t read.

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1000/1 on Betfair. I've had my usual couple of quid in the 4 place market. Obstacles to be negotiated this time, so anything could happen.

Main thing of course is that all horses and jockeys come back safe.
Blue Jacaranda goes tomorrow in the 2.50 @ Downpatrick over hurdles. A terrible price on her bumper form but her pedigree is all jumping & hopefully the sight of hurdles will calm her somewhat. They tell me she’s schooled very well and if she settles anyway at all she should go very close.

She hasn’t tho in her bumpers!!

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The less said about that the better. The drift told it’s own story I suppose. Everything seemed to happen too quick for her.

My line of thinking would be deep ground & a step up to 3m. When you’ve a pedigree with Lord Windermere & Sub Lieutenant mixed in it seems rational.

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Rhythm N’ Rhyme is the 3rd of our mares to make it’s debut & she runs this evening in P’town at 5.10.

Looks a good bumper so hopefully she can run well & show the promise on track she’s being showing at home the past few weeks.

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Nice second there Kauto :)

Thanks DVDs. Ya she ran well. Reading comments after Elliott thinks a fair bit of the winner & Keith Donoghue put her forward in her 10 to follow so considering she had 3 points and a bumper Rhyme N’ Rhythm ran quite well on debut.

She’s from the family of Voy por Ustedes so ultimately bumpers wont be her forte but improvement on that could well see her take one.

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Hope this gets sorted soon for you guys !!

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Best of luck Paul :)
Raisin is going to wincanton tomorrow for anyone who wants to waste five minutes on racing uk ( though will probably be ten by the time he finishes) tongue tie and half a mile further - we’re all still learning. Roll on him going chasing - though anyone who saw how nervous I was first time over hurdles won’t have seen anything.... [emoji38][emoji38][emoji38]

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For anyone remotely interested in the opposite end of the ownership scale, you may have noticed raisin pulled up on Sunday having not gone a yard. Having run so well at Exeter last time out ( his bare form really doesn’t tell the story!) and him improving every race, I can hand on heart say this is the first time he’s ever disappointed me.
I was teetering on the brink of stopping anyway, because I just don’t have the money to throw away, no matter how much I actually think he’s got some talent in there somewhere - and I started to put the feelers out for a new home for him when I got back. ( having consumed a lot of gin and at one point considered running him in the cross country races if he only likes doing something once!)


I also said to daisy that I’d like him checked out just to make sure that he’s not in pain anywhere. To be fair to him, while he’s no Istabraq, that run just wasn’t him at all - he’s managed to pretend to be interested to at least halfway every time, and he genuinely didn’t even want to go with them from tapes up. Paddy didn’t understand it at all either, and nor did Jess who rides him most days - the horse who loves jumping ( and is the only one in the yard who doesn’t look for an excuse not to do it !) was backing off every hurdle from five strides out - nothing was his normal. The physio was on the yard yesterday for some others, so he got added to the list. I got these two messages in the evening...

the one thing this horse isn’t is a wimp. If he’s saying that he hurts - he does and it just goes to show how important it is to not throw a horse on the scrap heap too quickly - there is usually a reason for a run that everyone thinks is too bad to be true.

He’s still not ever going be istabraq, but that’s a run that we can definitely write off, hope that he doesn’t remember the pain next time and we can go back to just thinking he’s genuinely fairly useless [emoji38]

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