Forum horse connections

My love and admiration for you are probably unshakeable PJ. I think it's important you know that before I stepped off my day job career last year I had a list on my office whiteboard of Americanisms that were forbidden in my company. The penalty was a bad performance appraisal.

#1. 'Reaching Out.'

Carry on.
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My love and admiration for you are probably unshakeable PJ. I think it's important you know that before I stepped off my day job career last year I had a list on my office whiteboard of Americanisms that were forbidden in my company. The penalty was a bad performance appraisal.

#1. 'Reaching Out.'

Carry on.

We come from the same cloth

Many a multinational had me on their books.

All rotten to the core.
Royal Kahala is indeed a cracker, it's nice to see Winning Ways with a good horse again.

PJ, I hope you action your intention.
Congratulations by the way to the Kemboy crew. I've forgotten who exactly is still involved these days, but I know Perpetual is, and Archie? You must be over the moon.
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Congratulations by the way to the Kemboy crew. I've forgotten who exactly is still involved these days, but I know Perpetual is, and Archie? You must be over the moon.
Cheers Grey. I still have a small share and it was good to see him racing with zest again. It was also nice to have kind words from Ruby and Gary O'Brien on RTV.

I don't think it's giving away secrets to say that there is an ongoing discussion about targets for the rest of the season with Cheltenham (Stayers or Gold Cup), Aintree, Punchestown and even Auteuil being mentioned. We all know that Willie will do as he wants but at least we have a jockey content to give him a positive ride.
Congrats to Team Kemboy.
Is the whole Supreme business sorted or has everyone just moved on ?
I can't speak for anyone else but very early in the piece I decided to move on and concentrate on the horses. Although I lost out (or maybe won less) financially, I also had experiences that money can't buy so I have zero interest in a pointless exercise in revenge.
I can't speak for anyone else but very early in the piece I decided to move on and concentrate on the horses. Although I lost out (or maybe won less) financially, I also had experiences that money can't buy so I have zero interest in a pointless exercise in revenge.

Good for you Archie, and well said.

What's happening on the racecourse is the perfect vindication of your approach to the mess that ensued.

It's absolutely fantastic to see Kemboy at his best and winning big races again.
That was more like it today, Paul. I hope he can continue to progress.

It certainly was - thanks. I didn't even write a blog this time because it was touch and go about him running and I was supposed to be in Exec meeting when the race was being on and I knew the heavy ground would be against him. He ran much better than I expected and I hope he comes on and we start getting some decent ground. At least now, he will likely get into another maiden and not be balloted out; I think that's happened about 8 times now (losing count).
A very nice run, Paul, I hope he continues to progress.

And well done to Roddy with Equus Dancer, Market Rasen must be his favourite track.