Dormant account
No it wasn't. It was an outright blunder. That's what he tried to claim afterwards. Didnt think that washed with anyone, especially given his past comments about the British in europe
Just the one sentence, yet I cannot understand it.
I have never seen Clive say anything derogatory against ordinary Muslims. And as for accdusing him of "drumming up hatred against ordinary Muslims", that is simply outrageous, Grey. If you said that on a public forum about me I would be very annoyed indeed.
Regarding Islam, Clive does make the reasonable observation that some aspects of its teachings require examination and rebuttal. With that I wholeheartedly agree.
I am beginning to think that too. After 9/11 and 7/7 when it was clear that quite a significant minority (polls were usually around 25% i think) of muslims together with their loser fellow travellers, supported the attacks, then i did wonder where we were heading.
Things quietened down but is it significant that small actions such as the increasingly widespread wearing of the niqab (its all over some parts of london) are sending a message of extremism?
RIP you fine man
The day when the attacker is killed (and i believe it should be after six months of continuous torture) will be as happy as the great day bin laden was shot
Of course it is, Grey. And if you can't see it then I'm frankly surprised and a little disappointed with you.I don't think it's outrageous at all,
Cheers . Can be a bit tiresome to keep up with posts I know
This has been a damned good thread with the best contributors active. no reason to let others try and distarct from that
Are you sure that Clive wasn't making the the reasonable comment that some pro-Palestine viewpoints and pro-Palestine protests were underscored by an anti-Israel, anti-Jewish sentiment? That, rather than he accused forum members of being anti-Jewish?I'm not sure we need to take ourselves quite so seriously, icebreaker, but how come your concern doesn't extend to clivex labelling other forum members as "jew haters" for no better reason than criticising Israeli policy towards Gaza?
I'm sorry but this is wrong. Russel brand pointed out that this is britains fault for "alienating" Muslim youths who live in council paid £1m flats in maida vale
Of course he will now point out to Jennings family that they are responsible
Oh yeah, yer right! That's the reason.Is it because it's in Syria?
Why can't the jets bomb the ISIL artillery and tanks on the outskirts of Kobani?
It seems on the TV that they are highly visible, yet no airstrikes in support of the Kurdish fighters. Kobani is almost fallen; there could well be civilian massacre.
lets say IS keeps going some point they will get to the border of someone that has a nuclear deterrent...maybe that will actually stop them..lets say you have that power and IS are coming towards you at a safe enough to detonate a small device..will someone actually do that i wonder
Israel ?