Jockey News

Hayley Turner is facing a longer than feared spell on the sidelines after revealing her injury - previously thought to be a broken pelvis - is more serious. She just tweeted: "Turns out I have a fractured my back x3"
Nick Scholfield has just signed up to be the Number 2 jockey at Ditcheat. No surprise there, but shame that he'll be less available to ride for the Scott yard.
Difficult situation to be in even if they were years older and wiser. They're a lovely couple and I really hope their future together is a happy one. I just hope the lad manages to come to terms with whats happened to him and is happy working within racing but not race riding. They're both very lucky to have each other.
Timmy Murphy receives a nine-day suspension for violent/improper conduct following his Newbury altercation with Dominic Elsworth.
Dennis O'Regan has now ridden a winner at every track in Britain and just needs a winner at Bellewstown to complete the set in Ireland.
Leading apprentice Willy Twiston-Davies will ride as first jockey for Mick Channon next year, the trainer has revealed.
According to today's Irish Examiner, Ruby Walsh expects to be back in action at Punchestown.

Hopes to ride at Punchestown and keep on until the June Auteuil meeting, then have an operation in the summer.

Risky strategy if you ask me, but that's jump jockeys for you.
Brian Toomey from Twitter

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