Novice Hurdlers 2011-2012

The fact they were even thinking about running him in the Supreme should tell you there's no great confidence in Darlan yet the bookies make him favourite.

The commentator said he was cantering ater the 3rd last but he had been ridden quite vigourously by AP to get into that position.

Looking back at it, it may well be it was a case of AP easing of the peddle to give him a breather and get him balanced before the run to the line. I'm far from confinced he would have won and although he showed some good speed to get into it you'd expect that in a slow run race which it was.

I reckon Nicky's entire crop of novice hurdlers is below his normal standards and wouldn't back any of them least of all Simonsig at 3/1

Simonsig Darlan Tetlami V Spirit Son, Grandouet Sprinter Sacre doesn't fill me with confidence.
I can't help but think everyone is writing of Darlan just because I've given him a big hype since his birth.

If any other less extravagant and thought provoking member of the forum put him up then Tanlic wouldn't have gone through his race video to look for any inch of negativity that he could use to go against the Darlan machine.

The fact this troll is saying he was hard ridden to get into contention and doubts the commentators words of "cantering" then backs it up by saying he was allowed to canter because of the slow pace shows you the underlining mission to grate away at forum members with some hidden agenda - sorry but coating your agenda in a post like that doesn't cut it with me/

Tanlic I'm surprised you didn't pick up on Darlan running around the bend with his right ear pricked when it should of been his left ear.

Although when Darlan wins the Supreme Novices you'll be the sort of person to say it was a slow race, the form horses didnt run up to their level, jockey on the runner up could of been closer if it was another jockey on board, trainers had a bad dip in form lately etc/
Anyone know if Trofilium is likely to run in the Supreme? Davy Russell seems very keen on this horse and 20/1 seems awfully big if he's an intended runner
I'd have thougt that sending Simonsig to the Neptune was a bit of a vote of confidence in Darlan, no?

None of the 2m novices are particularly inspiring, but Darlan - had he stood up at Newbury - was in the process of running to a mark in the early-150's (imo) in the Betfair Hurdle. That level of form would be good enough to win the Supreme in an average year, and it's not surprising (to me anyway) that the books have made him favourite for the race, on that basis.

In fact, given the paucity of entries who look like they can run to 150+, the 6/1 might look a pretty generous price after-the-fact. It's not a very good renewal.

I was looking for an excuse to back Trifolium, but came to the conclusion that the ground will likely be all against him.
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150 would puts him 5 lengths behind Zarkandar thats upsides Olofi who got a 136 whuch would put Darlan on 146........confusing isn't it?

Al Ferof won it off a poxy 142 wheras Menorah won it off 147 but then Dunguib lost it off 157 and Cue Card lost it off a massive 159. In other words ratings mean bog all when it comes to the Supreme. He's notably soft and I wouldn't touch him with a barge pole but to each his own.

There's very little evidence to go on with Trifilium but the little evidence there is would indicate he might be ok on the ground. His dam was unraced but his sire ran his best ever race on firm ground and his grand dam only won once and that was on good ground, He doesn't have aparticualry high knew action but I agree it is a worry as it is with all horses who have never handled good ground before.

I may still have a few quid on him on the day as I am a big fan of Davy Russell and anything he rides with half a chance is worth a few bob.
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Your right, of course. It was taken out of Elliot's stable after a dispute with the owner. Anyway I don't understand why anyone would think that Power would be jocked off.
Sandown race has worked out very well, and Kempton race a key trial.

His form is better than that of Steps to freedom and Darlan.
Fair enough Hamm. I dont agree, but fair enough.

I think the break Steps To Freedom has had will see this horse improve an awful lot.
Naturally I would be, but he'd had a busy campaign up to that. Freshened up now, I'd expect significant improvement.
Puppy power was saying that steps was over the top on his last run and that it was purely an excercise in gaining track experience.