Scoop 6 - 22nd November

As the future wife of and mother of Andrew Mount's children I would like to congratulate him as the f*cking genius that he is.

Yes, I'm in the syndicate - game on! :D
Had the champagne - but yes, onto the old faithful Absolut now...

The Hennessy meeting will pass in a champagne induced blur, I can guarantee that much....
Good on you. I always like being a good winner

Edited to replaced the word liked with like. i intend backing a winner again some day!
Well done guys. We ended up putting in Possel and three others. Unfortunately we had the wrong hannon runner but maybe just as well as we had banked on the wrong one in the last but would have laid off. But would have been as nervous as hell at that stage. Well done to those that won it.
I've a big smile on my face reading this. Well done Dom and Rory, and pass on my congrats to Mounty. He is one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet and is well on his way to becoming legend.
Thank you - but the congratulations should all go to Mounty.

I don't know. He told me he was leaving Heathcliff out, but after rejecting pleas for the inclusion of Darkness and Mon Mome at Haydock, he may have buckled under pressure. At least I can imagine that's the case. Thanks for all the good wishes ~ ironically the Hennessy is one of my favourite race days in the entire year, so being there will be a double thrill. :p
I wonder what the pot layed Findlay to win £874,022. 20/1?

Anyone who thinks that Harry has tens of millions of ready cash to buy the Scoop6 is mistaken; he goes out in the first leg often enough. I have a feeling about who may have helped bankroll this effort though, but I'd rather not say.
I'm delighted for those that won a few quid - well done.

Mostly though, I am relieved that the pot has finally been won because I am sick of all the hype and publicity that has surrounded the Scoop6 for 3 or 4 weeks now.

Members of the racing media seem determined to make us believe that the Scoop-f*cking-6 is more important than the racing itself and happily let it dominate coverage of what was a fascinating day's racing in its own right. I don't give a sh*t how many tickets are still running - can't we see the horses in the parade ring instead?

I have already posted on here my distaste for the way Scoop6 PR department swarms all over the winners like flies on a turd (present company excepted) and uses tacky publicity stunts to masquerade as human interest stories. Rory, Dom and Mounty, you are the new Agnes Haddocks. Congratulations.