The Debate

The Lib Dems absolutely must get electoral reform out of this position. Otherwise, they might as well give up now as a party. The Tories seem dead set against such reform, whilst Brown has just offered them a referendum on it.
thats why Brown should be sacked

the prime minister is to govern and not to do it on referendums,

in Greece is happening,
if you dont adopt the unpopular decisions, the markets will come to do it in your house.
The Lib Dems absolutely must get electoral reform out of this position. Otherwise, they might as well give up now as a party. The Tories seem dead set against such reform, whilst Brown has just offered them a referendum on it.

spot on. And ER will make life very difficult for the Tories going forward.

There's talk Cameron may offer the lib dems a referendum on this but with the right to campaign against it.
thats why Brown should be sacked

the prime minister is to govern and not to do it on referendums,

in Greece is happening,
if you dont adopt the unpopular decisions, the markets will come to do it in your house.

That's simply not true - any major change to a constitution such as electoral reform has to be decided via a referendum.
And ER will make life very difficult for the Tories going forward.

Not much better for labour either. Both the two main parties rely on present system to an unhealthy extent

Fact is that this could easily come down to personalities. Clegg cant stand Brown. Thats a known fact. Reasons why? No idea, but it will remain a factor

BNP did terribly. Very gratifying to see once again that the british despise extremists
Glad to hear that the BNPs did really badly - I didn't think that the people mooted to come out 'in droves' would really opt for a 'fury vote' in the cold light of election day. What's surprised me is the excuse-making being made by Plaid Cymru and the SNP - where are the nationalist votes when they want them?

Don't make me laugh about Brown offering a referendum - you mean like Bliar offered on going to war? Pshaw! If not pish and fiddlesticks! Absolute whitewash - Labour offer 'the people' ferk all in decision-making. I'm just amazed at the amount who seem to think that the tosspots have done well enough in 13 years to actually want the bastards back for another tilt at finally writing the country off.
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- The DUP are looking to do business with anyone (at a price!).

- Sinn Fein obviously won't be taking up their Westminster seats.

- The SDLP are aligned with Labour

- The Alliance are aligned with the Lib Dems

- The independent is an ex-Ulster Unionist who left in protest at their link up with the Tories

So Ulster looks good for Labour than.

I could see Sinn Fein backing Labour just to keep the Tories out.
You mean you have people who still think there's that much of a difference between university-educated, rich, and upwardly mobile middle-class Labour, and university-educated, rich, and upwardly mobile middle-class Conservatives?

There is no labour struggle, there is no hunger to march against, there are benefits for everything and everyone, there's a State pension, there are H&S guarantees in the workplace to make your eyes water (and then sue for that), there's still plenty of social housing stock, a national health service... what could Labour possibly represent other than some reactionary old fartism to Conservative = Tory = all the King's men = Cromwell = repression? Please tell me things have advanced a tiny bit further than that. (And we expect black South Africans to have got over apartheid already?)
Well for one, EC1 - and yes, it's very important to me - the Tories are about the only lot who would at least look at the hunting ban and hold a free vote on it. No chance of hunting getting anywhere with any other party. The countryside doesn't stand much of a chance with Labour or the Lib Dems, they'd be happy just to concrete it over and build on it.

Oh, and Euronymous can fuck off with his ridiculous comments about how those of us in the country live. Maybe all that smog and pollution has addled his brain. Clueless.
12 months?

will result be any different?

it could go worse for tories next time as during that 12 months they are going to have to make some very unpopular decisions

labour could get back in 12 months :)
There's some desperately tight seats. Would be interested to see what even just a 1% swing either way would change.
Tories are very bad boys, they will be doing unpopular decisions,

it is time for laborist , time to mantein things like they are going, everything is going very well , easy times to gobern.
it could go worse for tories next time as during that 12 months they are going to have to make some very unpopular decisions

I must admit when I saw the terms of the Tory 'offer' to the Lib Dems, my first thought was that Cameron was effectively driving them into the arms of Labour.

Would be a political gamble, but given the extent of the cuts that a Labour/Lib Dem coalition (or indeed any other coalition) would have to make, they could well be in better position this time next year.
Whoever took over/takes over now, will be inflicting the death of a thousand cuts on the country, anyway. Things aren't going well when we know what the future is likely to be (if the economists can be believed, but they've been wrong any amount of times in the past, including not having a clue about the onset of the recession), which is cut, slice, dice, diminish or destroy. Provided Defence gets 25% of its bloated budget sliced with immediate cessation of hostilities in Afghanistan and no more Boys Own Adventures, the NHS gets rid of 50% of its top-heavy admin, and the railways are re-nationalized in the public interest and actually earn money for the government, then we might see a few billion saved annually. I'm not sure what the total debt is at present, I think it was in the trillions, so 'every little helps'. People are expecting the shit to hit the fan, whether we are governed by the Cons, a coalition, or the Fuzzy Furry Ferret Party.
To see how things are going and how they are going to go you dont need to be economist, it is common sense what is needed.
Wasn't even particularly close either - a huge 22% swing to Alliance. Naomi Long should be a fantastic MP for the area - Robinson is surely finished now. He had a brass neck for sticking it out through the early crises this year, but surely the knives are hovering over his back now.

Should be good craic at South Fermanagh later - what's the rules for a dead heat? :blink:

.. and Michelle Gildernew takes it, effectively doubling her majority on the 3rd recount.. up to a massive 4 votes :D.
more you think about it..this is a good move for labour..get out of power..get rid of Brown..let Tories be big mean twats for 12 months..then come back all attractive to public :D
Oh, you mean the way the Tories didn't do after Big Mean Thatcher, EC? Erm, didn't quite come off then, did it?

Suny, yes, of course you need common sense. Most of the public has plenty of it, but unfortunately you don't need common sense to become a politician, let alone form part of a government. You need university degrees in totally useless subjects like Politics, History, and Economics - it might as well be flower arranging or origami, for all the good all that education has done the country!
but we know that whoever is in for the next 12 months are going to have to make cuts that will make sure the public hates them for a long while..thats the advantage of not being in

i'll bet the none of them want the helm for the next 12 wonder brown is happy for clegg to talk to cameron move