The Oaks & Irish Oaks

Surely the runners should be tracking across to the stands side if its noticeably faster that side?
Yes, they watered on Tuesday. No rain since then. BBC Weather suggests no actual rain expected until around 3pm Saturday :lol: Plenty of cloud cover though so temps will be down.
Seeing as the track has not had any water since Tuesday, it does not need to be that hot for it to dry it out.
I'm about half an hour away too, must be different direction though as it's been chucking it down!
Perfect Truth has been transferred to the Coolmore triumvirate, and will run in Derrick Smith's colours.

Any particular reason why this is, or is it a case of the 3 big men not happy to let the only Ballydoyle horse to run in different colours? :)
I'd have thought the significance of that graphic really comes into play in tomorrows 'dash'. With the camber drainign onto the far side, it would seem to suggets that any advantage of the stands side will be even mor epronounced with a bit of rain
Here, about 20 miles from Epsom, it's grey overcast but the clouds are quite high.
It's been drizzling for an hour or so -- enough to wet the grass, but not the ground, as it were.
I'm 15 miles north of the course and it is raining very hard here. Not sure what direction it is moving but has been for the last 30 minutes or so.
From the Racing Post:

Rain has no impact
Andrew Cooper, Epsom's clerk of the course, believes the rain that fell this morning will not impact on the official going.
A sharp shower fell as racegoers waited for the gates to open around 10.30 and though heavy cloud remains, the rain has stopped.
Cooper said: "I don't envisage any great change. What I would say that whereas the round course is more good than good to firm, the straight course has seen as much if not more water but drains quickly and is more good to firm than good."
The official going is good (good to firm in places).
Thanks for that.

That should be okay for Rainbow View.

Final choices? I'm with Rainbow View, and hope she wins in a manner that shows her as the filly we all saw last year. I think Oh Goodness me and Perfect Truth have strong place claims (& wouldn't surprise me if either won if Rainbow View didn't go well). I don't fancy Midday at all, and think she's a good place lay.
Perfect Truth man here. Oh Goodness Me worries me but don't think she's good enough to win. I think we may see Peeping Fawn mk2, hopefully without the financial heartbreak that befell me that day.