The UK Political Landscape

But he wasn’t as instrumental in bringing about a win for leave as Johnson.

Debatable although perhaps if there had been a genuine counter argument presented by a Labour leader Johnson may have had to elaborate on his "get Brexit done" mantra
Corbyn was like a wet week when it came to the referendum, played straight into the splitters hands. He should have campaigned strenuously for remain.
Everyone knew he was a leaver at heart. I know on the marches there were chants of ‘where’s Jeremy Corbyn’.
Everyone knew he was a leaver at heart. I know on the marches there were chants of ‘where’s Jeremy Corbyn’.

And, arguably, given the opinions of some who know him, Johnson was a remainer at heart. Brexit merely being a means to further his own ambitions. It`s a funny old world!!
Why is a policy by a minister, (whose chief claim to fame is lucrative participation on a reality show, despite being concurrently paid by the taxpayer) to defund a venerable British institution a good electorial chocie?

Thanks in advance
According to Susie Dent it’s a sparple. But I don’t know if it’s a verb or a noun. Either way, it’s what they’re doing.
The 'red meat' initiative seems to have lasted a whiole day at least. The Navy boys, (Trafalgar, The Nile, Jutland, etc) must be pleased to honour their forebears by chasing Syrians on rubber ducks though the channel.
Putin will ride to the rescue by invading the Ukraine. Then Johnson can have his Churchill moment. Mark Francois is already dusting down his TA army kit.
According to Susie Dent it’s a sparple. But I don’t know if it’s a verb or a noun. Either way, it’s what they’re doing.

The use of the indefinite article indicates a noun but English is flexible enough for it to morph into a verb in due course.

In archaic Scottish English it's a verb with a different meaning so the chances are some educated Scot down south has used it, no-one has known what it meant and an influencer of some sort has adopted it and attributed a new meaning to it ahead of putting it out on social media.

It's how things work these days.
I caught former liberal democrat leader Tim farron speaking on BBC parliament recently about how our domestic animal welfare legislation could be improved since the leaving the E.U.

But he also said if we sign trade deals with countries who have worse animal welfare than both us and the E.U then that would obviously be a backward step.

I am not fully up to speed on the issue of us leaving the E.U and animal welfare but listening to him it sounded like the possible improvements of animal welfare (or lack of) could go in either direction based on the U.Ks government direction of travel.

I wish I had time to watch the whole debate...
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Putin will ride to the rescue by invading the Ukraine. Then Johnson can have his Churchill moment. Mark Francois is already dusting down his TA army kit.

If Biden had been in charge in the 60's instead of JFK there wouldn't be a Johnson to talk about.........Trump and Putin would have sorted this mess out and invasion would never have been on the table but with this clown in charge Putin coulnd't give 2 hoots about what America or the UK thinks
I usually respect Al jazeera for giving me news for parts of the world that are underrepresented and underprivledged etc.

However, they are currently promoting their 'true colours' programme. The intro for this documentary states the reason black people and those of ethnic minorites died disproportionately in the U.K to white people was simply because of neo liberalism and racism.

Well then? It seems whoever made this programme is keen to rewrite history only two years on from this dreadful pandemic. It is a fact that if you were from an ethnic minority you were more likely to get severe illness and even die from Covid.

Why this basic fact is overlooked, and instead gives this documentary maker another reason to bash the British seems disingenious to me.

As for Neo seems a muddled point as we in Britain actually have the National Health Service. Whatever our capitialist or neo liberal system has brought us....we have one of the fairest health services in the world...(thanks to Bevan and alike).

I await to watch Al Jazeeras full True Colours programme, but from its introduction I fear this piece needs to be called out for what it is, from all political persuasions, absoloute rubbish.

Ps, feel free to bash us about not vaccinating the entire worlds population, and chuck in the racism allegation at us on this aspect if you wish, as an unvaccinated world is an idea I do not like, (I am with Gordon Brown on this), but lets not blame the inception of Covid and its differing affects of different ethnic groups on racism.
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I don't get out and about like I used to but at one time I knew a lot of West Indians and I think they have an inbuilt distrust of "Babylon" and this has caused some to not get themselves vaccinated.
I guess it's historical, and boils down the beligerent nations plundering the assets of the less warlike, and enslaving much of their population, either indigenously or shipping them abroad.
That culminates in what we have today, an imbalance of wealth distribution, where the poorer nations automatically become the underpriveliged. Historical racism, if you like.
Just my simple view, and restoring equality is hardly likely, while the powerful retain the reins in world politics.
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