What Are You Listening To Now?

Thanks to you both. Much appreciated. I'll work on those links nearer the time. :rolleyes:

Put it this way, it's a bit like a male singer doing a cover version of Eartha Kitt's "I Love Men".

Have just googled these ambiguous lyrics and they mean different things to different people. Can see that you've sided with those that think it's about the seduction of a woman, but others think differently. That's only going by a few minutes googling though and I may delve further. Cheers.
Icebreaker. Download tunein radio app. Very easy to use and you get every station in the world.
Clive, I've downloaded it ............... but am I right in saying that progs are time-delayed on that platform?
Like, tonights BBC Radio2 Pro.Har. concert is not on Tunein until 12pm tomorrow. :blink:
Dunno so. :surrender:
On my Tunein it says tonight's Radio2 8:00 show will be available at 12pm tomozz.

Also, it wants me to download something called "Silverlight". But when I try to do so, I'm told that my 64-bit system does not support Silverlight.
Speaking of which, it is Colin's birthday today .................. so lets alll have a group hug to celebrate with him.

Probably posted this before but a great tune from those Muse scamps. Political as well, so it's all good for chit chat... So Come On!

Anyone who thinks that this is a pop at my ex mate Nathan and his worship of DC is sadly mistaken. I just like the tune, OK?

You know he can't be bothered if the forum requires him to do any work!

And when he does force himself to sort something out he's like... 'that's another 30 minutes I had to spend on that'

Poor show.
Anyway, those awards are stupid as people can have multiple accounts and DC (great initials for him ;-)) has admitted that he doesn't know who is who.

Easy to fix the results, as you well know Nathan- If you let SC win this year then it really will be a joke. Mike was by far the most deserving of the award last year and should be in with a great shout this time around, along with yourself. SC not even in the frame.

IMO :)
All our heros are leaving us.
Following on from the recent passing of Bobby Keys -- Rolling Stones saxophonist -- comes news of the death of longtime Faces keyboardist Ian McLagan.

Not heard of the Kongos, Moe, but quite enjoyed that. They know how to bash out a choon. Will have to check out more of their stuff.

That music from the FA Cup ad was driving me bonkers; it was like Morris Dancing on speed and I couldn't get it out of my head. Has been used for on the trailer for Holy Motors as well. Just as I'd decided it must have been written specially for the ad I found it on utube.