What Are You Listening To Now?

From the '86 Brit awards, nice touch to include the late Gow Hunter from the official video.

Great energy from Siouxsie and the boys on this, and never fails to to perk me up listening to it. As another band said... Shout
Shout let it all out singing-smiley-230.png

I've just been reading about him in the Neil Young autobiography...
I've just finished it. Fascinating isn't it? So chaotic and sort of typifies the man. The Pono (PureTone) players are just coming available and seem to be well received. I saw him in the early 70s at the RFH when he was having the back problems. Just magic but then so was Steve Stills at the Rainbow around the same time.
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i love american black music but rap leaves me pretty cold, unless its millie jackson or james brown of course. LL cool j had some moments but its usually dreary stuff

this is more like it. what a track this is. never tire of it . a true muscial legend and a real wonderful fusion of latin and soul.

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Like most working class teenage potheads, I listened to rap music "back in the day" but with the benefit of age and relative sobriety, I later discovered it's actually really awful. I listened to some Tupac Shakur the other day and found myself gobsmacked at how ridiculous and shallow so much of his lyrics/drivel were. On the bright side though, it is wonderfully ripe for parody and ridicule.

Regarding black pianists, it's difficult for me to imagine a grand and majestic black pianist without thinking of the peerless James Booker

Like most working class teenage potheads, I listened to rap music "back in the day"
Interesting that you have it down as a working class thing, from what I remember there were plenty of middle class youngsters, (with a small 'm') listening too. Notorious B.I.G was my fav back then. Teenage madness but he was the best!
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This is a very good effort. Ninth Wave

He'll never make the screen.
He'll never make the 'Sweeney',
Be that movie queen.
He's too busy hitting the Vaseline.

"I needed you
To love me too.
I wait for your move."

Does nothing for me, Simmo, but I'm not a fan of rap except for Eminem, great lyricist and knows how to deliver his stories.
