What Are You Listening To Now?

Closed mind?

Hard rock/inde is about the only genre i have little time for, but anyway

Coltrane was the master. Was about to link some of that. Dexter is fine too without being a great enthusiast

think i will look at that grey. Name is familiar but new to me otherwise

Bar...not a fan then? :)
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The top pianist at the present time, memory of an old celeb when he was superb, coltrane, sometimes overlooked gem fromthe giants of the 20th century, brazilian magic, perfect hot day and perfect fem soul
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*backs out of thread*

Grasshopper, you realise now that it might be a while before I listen to Joe's music again, don't you?

Every time I make an innuendo, there you are at my shoulder. It's like having my own personal Jackie Wright. :lol:
Stumbled across an extraordinary triple cd - 69 Love Songs by Magnetic Fields - strange, funny, and weirdly captivating. Picked it up on spec at a boot sale for £1, hadn't even got round to playing it until I checked reviews on Amazon, which were exceptionally enthusiastic. A real one off but winning me over big time with its breadth and ambition.

Also bought cd of Blue Oyster Cult's peerless 'Secret Treaties', a long time favourite; I'd forgotten just how good it is.

And Roy Harper's 'Songs of Love and Loss'.

The soon to be released new album from Bruce Springsteen, 'Wrecking Ball', is meant to be pretty decent.
Stumbled across an extraordinary triple cd - 69 Love Songs by Magnetic Fields - strange, funny, and weirdly captivating. Picked it up on spec at a boot sale for £1, hadn't even got round to playing it until I checked reviews on Amazon, which were exceptionally enthusiastic. A real one off but winning me over big time with its breadth and ambition.

I have all the Magnetic Fields albums. They are absolutely brilliant.

I have seen them live twice, and they are touring in the spring. I have a ticket for the Dublin Olympia at the end of April.


Tom Waits' Bad as Me is brilliant. I have been listening to it a lot the past few weeks.
Stumbled across an extraordinary triple cd - 69 Love Songs by Magnetic Fields - strange, funny, and weirdly captivating. Picked it up on spec at a boot sale for £1, hadn't even got round to playing it until I checked reviews on Amazon, which were exceptionally enthusiastic. A real one off but winning me over big time with its breadth and ambition.

One of the best quids you'll ever spend - an outstanding career highlight from the wry, dry, filthy, misanthropic mind of Stephin Merritt.

Seeing the entire 69 Love Songs being played over the course of two evenings at Hammersmith Lyric Theatre nigh on a decade ago remains one of the best concerts I've ever been to - even if a rasping Peter Gabriel coming on to do an The Book Of Love at the encore wasn't exactly a triumph.

There's been at least four Magnetic Fields albums since 69 Love Songs, plus a welter of spin-offs, solo projects and soundtracks (from arthouse production Eban and Charlie to the entire Lemony Snicket franchise - Snicket, aka Daniel Handler, plays accordion for Merritt whenever necessary).

The Magnetic Fields are briefly touring the UK in April in support of another new album - I'm hoping to catch them at the RNCM in Manchester on the last Friday in April. First single from it:


Found a Pendulum cd in my son's room. Have always liked them when I've seen them on the telly; Glastonbury and such like. Intend to buy [yes buy] some more.

Oooh 'eck, Moe, looks like I've found the music thread on this forum as well now! On the evidence of eight years' worth of noise pollution over at the other place, this could get involved and wayward... :D

But for now, here's one I know you and I both adore.


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Dear Hazel [I can't be menopausal I've played Glastonbury....!] Winter. Just dug the cd out having had a moan today to a friend I bumped into that there was nothing much to listen to these days. Except, that is for my Simons' Friends Seismic Survey cd that I'm scared to play [it's a limited edition, only for sale on the night recording of the practice session for their one off tribute concert for Simon's mum; signed with a kiss as well]. Mind you, they had such a good time that they reckon that, Levellers stuff permitting they'll be doing it again; in fact they're playing our local Off The Tracks Festival in May. Above mentioned friend and I are going to go to said festival in an attempt to recreate our youth. Hawkwind play there every year. Bloke in Simon's band called Paul Miro is playing The White Lion in Duffield Saturday night, so we may drive over there [although Duffield is a bit posh]. He's in a band called Apes, Pigs and Spacemen. We were very impressed with him the other night. By the way, are you going to cadge a lift with Steve and come to Brum for our preview nights? It may be the last one at Stirchley Working Men's Club before Tescos pull it down [sob].
Thanks BTB and GC. Had seen the tour advertised; am away at the time unfortunately - hope you enjoy.

What would you put up for listening to next from MF or spin offs, if that's the right expression?