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  1. Soba

    Horse Lost on firing range!

    Mmmmm...... Call me a suspicious ole bird but it smelt fishy from the start and after reading about missing tack (a few quid there in itself) then there is still quite a bit of whiff about it. :confused: Will the insurance pay out on just that evidence or will samples be needed to test that...
  2. Soba

    ZENYATTA - 15 not out!

    :adore: Nothing more to add!
  3. Soba

    Nassau Stakes

    Totally agree, very harsh and I can't really understand why that warranted a two day ban.:confused:
  4. Soba

    Irish Apprentice Title

    Just on the Event riders and Jockeys subject... if I dare. Does anyone else remember a Grand National feature where the jocks took on the event riders over the National fences and then over a cross country course? If memory serves me right the event riders rode Aintree really well (apart from...
  5. Soba

    Life sucks ...

    Blimey, only just read this thread and what can I say? Redhead your a blimming angel. It's been lovely to read about your special feline Dougal and all that you are doing and going through together and I really really am keeping everything crossed that it all works out, bless the both of you...
  6. Soba

    Good news is ...

    Please, pleaseeeeeeee tell me the same applies to Hagen Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream???? Trying to shape up here but if it turns out it may keep the wrinkles at bay I would be rude to ignore the advice. Plus thinking about the Strawberries could be one of my 'five a day' couldn't it? :D
  7. Soba

    Which 5 JUMPS horses ,dead or alive would you want to own?

    Two peas from a pod, what can I say? :p
  8. Soba

    Which 5 JUMPS horses ,dead or alive would you want to own?

    Great choice! Can't quite believe I forgot Young Kenny.
  9. Soba

    Which 5 JUMPS horses ,dead or alive would you want to own?

    I didn't quite have the stamina for that I'm afraid, 6F and I was knackered......:whistle:
  10. Soba

    Which 5 JUMPS horses ,dead or alive would you want to own?

    Night Nurse Diamond Edge Dawn Run Little Bay Benbyas.
  11. Soba

    Date With Destiny

    Great stuff!,27770,382106_3,00.html
  12. Soba

    Date With Destiny

    Waiting for the Sporting Life to load it up so I can see it! Absolutely chuffed to blimming bits and I admit to going all soppy girlie about her winning. Happy days!!!!
  13. Soba

    Date With Destiny

    Was slightly surprised too Songs to see her still entered for today. I'm really interested to see how she gets on tonight, from a totally sentimental point of view I'd love to see her doing well.
  14. Soba

    I've only just noticed...

    I can vouch that it was light and bright here in Antrim this morning at 3.45am.... I was hanging out of my window telling the rooks to kindly please shut their beaks. Didn't work though so I had to 'go outside and have a word'. :nono: And that didn't work either.....:thumbsdown:
  15. Soba

    Two very good things today...

    You'd have to go a very long way to beat Antrim men Rory....:cool: Great news on both parts Krizon, both well deserved too.
  16. Soba

    Bloodstock News 2010

    Hi Krizon. Go here > then enter the details: Sport> Breeze up. Competition> Goresbridge. Event> The Breeze. Video> 028. And there he is. :)
  17. Soba

    Forum horse connections

    Fantastic stuff from the forum connected horses. Rather good here isn't it? :D
  18. Soba

    West Somerset and Minehead Harriers point to point....

    Well done to the both of you! Great stuff, thanks for the pics Truds. :)
  19. Soba

    This is bugging me ...

    Is this it Red?
  20. Soba

    N Martin - Baddam

    What a berluddy crying shame for him..... :(