I cannot understand why they cannot be upfront and tell us what the preferred option is whilst reserving the right to change it .
I find that odd too, I'm pretty sure I saw that she is to go to the World Hurdle unless something untoward were to happen Quevega or Fly.
Breaking news-Ruby Rides Annie in world hurdle
Great a bigger price for Bigger bucks. Over forty Shirocco progeny have run over hurdles and non has even run 3 mile let alone stay it, and twice up a hill round Cheltenham on the stiffer track to boot.
Fascinating that she takes BB on when she has no form at the trip on the stamina sapping New Course but worrying for Hurricane Fly fans that clearly they fear she would beat him .
Who will win a gold Cup?
Annie Power
Briar Hill
Champagne Fever
AFC the clear bet.