Fancy A Share In A Jumper With Hen And Terry?

Thanks for all the good wishes. I was lucky enough to be at Towcester and did enough shouting for those who couldn't be there.

A real thrill and fingers crossed he stays healthy.
Well done to the syndicate.

Looks like I've made another great decision not to get involved!. (BH: I had it linked with lots of doubles and trebles but didn't catch it, and as I was at a graduation I couldn't get out to back it again.)
I gather that a least one syndicate member won enough with various doubles, etc to pay for his share of the horse and next year's training costs. Brilliant!
Ive only just seen this - WAHOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im really glad hes coming up how you hoped - so much more fun than buying a proven one!!!!

Hope he stays in one piece though Im sure hes going to - if he cant where he is then theres no hope!!!

:D CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes - but it's possible to know too much. I knew that Exuberance, with the experience of his bumper run last month, was the one expected to run the better race of the yard's two. So I was on each way at 9/1 and, of course, he finished where all good each way bets do - fourth!

The "other one" won at 16/1.
He is fine, thanks. Those magic words "He has eaten up all his feed" were accompanied by news that he showed no ill effects ar all and that he was completely relaxed about the whole experience.

There will be no more bumpers and, given where he is trained, you won't be surprised to hear that he is a "staying chaser in the making".
LordH - I'm surprised that after Red Rattle ran like a drain at Towcester (when well fancied) and Chaim subsequesntly ran a shocker at Newbury (showing the form of the Uttoxeter race to be pretty poor) that you would have backed Exuberance! That said, the yoke I backed finished further back than 4th....

I'm not so sure that Bally Conn won't be seen on ground like Saturday again - for starters it wasn't as bad as it looked; although there was standing water on the track they were going through it easily as it was so wet. We were under the initial impression that he wouldn't run on heavy - until he was declared and subsequently won on it!! At least we know that he handles very soft gorund (like Brian says, his PTP win was on virtually unraceable ground!!) but I am sure that the beauty of BC is that he doesn't need it so soft. THe way he moves suggests that he will handle firmer going as well - I suspect he'll prove to be pretty versatile.

Just wait until he jumps a fence!! B)