Jockey News

Mark Walsh has suffered a broken arm at Thurles, not only will he miss Cheltenham but it is going to make it difficult for him to win the championship.

Pity that.
There may be some nice JP "colour cap" rides going at The Festival now.
On a brighter note Mr D G Noonan (Dave) rode his first winner of the season (his second overall) at Taunton today.
A local lad and near neighbour of Connor King He works for David Pipe and hopefully onward and upward for him, a nice young gent who rode in his first p2p 2 years ago this weekend for Eugene O Sullivan.
He must be gutted. But he would have needed a big cushion heading into the Punchestown meeting.
I'm surprised, but Jason Maguire's appeal failed and he misses the festival:

A really good, dispassionate, impartial discussion between Hislop and Mellish on RUK yesterday, plus an interview with Paul Struthers. Their conclusion, which I very much agree with, is that Maguire was indeed guilty of a riding offence, but not the one he was charged with. They feel he was guilty of not riding the horse to obtain the best possible placing (i.e. trying to fool the Handicapper), but NOT guilty of schooling in public. That's because he rode the horse vigorously for the first part of the race to keep it in touch with the leading group, but on entering the straight took the horse wide and then sat like a statue, doing absolutely nothing, for the last half mile.

So the penalty for Maguire should have been 10 days, not 14, (he would still miss the Festival), Ben Pauling should have received a lesser fine and the horse should not have been banned for 40 days. Pauling didn't help himself by telling the Stewards he had instructed Maguire to give the horse an "educational ride", which as we all know is something that happens on a regular basis, but surely something that should never be admitted in the presence of Stewards!
A really good, dispassionate, impartial discussion between Hislop and Mellish on RUK yesterday, plus an interview with Paul Struthers. Their conclusion, which I very much agree with, is that Maguire was indeed guilty of a riding offence, but not the one he was charged with. They feel he was guilty of not riding the horse to obtain the best possible placing (i.e. trying to fool the Handicapper), but NOT guilty of schooling in public. That's because he rode the horse vigorously for the first part of the race to keep it in touch with the leading group, but on entering the straight took the horse wide and then sat like a statue, doing absolutely nothing, for the last half mile.

So the penalty for Maguire should have been 10 days, not 14, (he would still miss the Festival), Ben Pauling should have received a lesser fine and the horse should not have been banned for 40 days. Pauling didn't help himself by telling the Stewards he had instructed Maguire to give the horse an "educational ride", which as we all know is something that happens on a regular basis, but surely something that should never be admitted in the presence of Stewards!

I wonder what would have happened had it been Tony McCoy, do we think he would have been banned for 14 days so that he were to miss the festival?
Derek O'Connor booked for The Job Is Right in the NH Chase and Muirhead in the Foxhunters.
Richard Hughes is to retire from riding this year in order to take up training in Britain.
I was really concerned for him; was very relieved to hear the lad was ok [he sounds surprisingly old for one so young, doesn't he, and reminds me a bit of Shane McGowan..or is that just me?].
Not just you, moehat.

He looks like he could be the love-child of Shane Magowan and Chelsea Clinton, if you ask me.
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Barry reckons he could be back for Punchestown.

Life is weird....One week before Cheltenham Barry and Davy visited a hospital together for some Charity, 2 weeks later they both end up in hospital with people visiting them:blink:

If there's a moral to that story I'm damned if I know what it is :lol:
Always amazes me that people laugh - but I suppose if they've never done similar then they wouldn't know. Pretty damn obvious that he's going to hurt though!!

I hope he's ok.
Just seen the news that Jamie Moore has broken his leg and will miss the rest of the season.

God speed pal and if there's any comfort to be taken then at least it's happened in April.